Deloitte's Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to the Age of With

Where Deloitte translates insights into performance through AI services, solutions, and capabilities.

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Unlocking Transformative Advantages

Think about humans with machines, strategy with insights, cost reduction with automation, data with purpose, speed with precision. The power of with has never been greater. Deloitte is helping companies harness that power to identify transformative advantages and move faster with greater precision, to improve decision-making, and to create beneficial connections with customers.

We can help you leverage the power and versatility of AI to reach new levels of organizational excellence. Starting with defining an AI strategy to develop new business models, and improve outcomes in key areas of your operations, we can help you along every step of the journey as you turn data into insights and apply them. Our asset & IP factory and Managed analytics & AI services (including cloud-based Robotic Process Automation Software as a Service and Insights as a Service), put cognitive technology into real-world action, working with you to create AI-driven products that put your business at the cutting-edge. We can help you modernize your analytics and data using next generation cloud-enabled platforms and big data architectures to enable analytics and AI-powered organizations. Our robotic & intelligent automation team can work with you in implementing automated processes to emulate human decision-making, interactions, and judgments and discover new opportunities to drive results at every level of your business. Ultimately, we can help you reach AI insights and engagement by using next-generation autonomous algorithms, augmenting your human decision-making, generating highly actionable predictions and insights from your data, and enabling more autonomous decision making. Welcome to the Age of With™!

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We help you implement and harness AI at speed and scale.

Data & AI transformation

We provide strategic advice on data, analytics, and AI-driven transformations to deliver value across your enterprise. Our expertise helps the C-suite make better, data-informed decisions.

AI & Insights

We provide experienced AI and Analytics experts, robust tools, and curated data sets for clients to help them efficiently scale up their AI and Analytics capabilities.

Data Stack Modernization

In depth Design, Planning & Implementation  of Modern Data Platforms, primarily on cloud,  end-to-end, including migration planning and execution.

Deep Learning & HPC

We deliver global AI and High-Performance Computing software solutions. Our unique expertise enables comprehensive services to accelerate digital transformation.

Workforce Transformation & Employee Experience

We help organizations re-imagine their workforce in an AI enhanced world. Our comprehensive suite of tools and services comes to support with the profound impact AI has on management, employees and the organization itself.

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We transform ideas into impact

Data and AI transformation
AI and Insights
Data Stack Modernization
Deep Learning & HPC
Workforce Transformation & Employee Experience
  • 01

    AI & Data Strategy and Value Realization

    Advise on the potential of AI and Data and impacts to your existing business, prioritizing core business areas that can gain advantage from AI and Data, Developing a vision and roadmap to scale and sustain benefits over time.

  • 02

    AI & Data Operating Model, Governance, and CDAO.

    Design the AI and Data operating model, interaction model, service delivery model, and processes to operationalize the organization’s vision and capabilities. Assess and define workforce including required skillsets, team composition and mix.

  • 03

    AI & Data Architecture and Ecosystem Enablement

    Define the architect the Data and technical capabilities needed to enable the organization to fulfill its vision and business objectives as well as identification and management of the ecosystem partners needed to achieve this.

  • 04

    AI & Data Innovation and Monetization

    Explore and discover innovative opportunities to gain advantage and monetize your existing data or new AI and Data-fueled products and services and build new business models that will shape their future business.


Get to know the faces behind the name.

Ran Bergman - Data & AI Practice Leader

Ran Bergman

Partner, Data &
AI Practice Leader

Shlomi Cohen - Director, AI & Insights

Shlomi Cohen

Managing Director,
AI & Insights

Tomer Gal - Director, Deep Learning & HPC

Tomer Gal

Managing Director,
Deep Learning & HPC

Oz Nevo - Data Monatization

Oz Nevo

Managing Director,
Data Platforms & Technology


Get to know the faces behind the name.