
COVID-19:アジア太平洋地域における規制および監督上の対応に関する最新情報 Vol.1(3月27日時点)

Asia Pacific Centre for Regulatory Strategy(ACRS)


1. Loan classification, NPLs and provisioning

2. Capital and liquidity buffers

3. Other activities – stress testing, regulatory priorities, etc.



1. Loan classification, NPLs and provisioning - 債権分類、不良債権認定、引当金関係


  • (HK HKMA, 6 Feb) Measures to relieve impact of the novel coronavirus /新規コロナウイルスに伴う影響を緩和する対策
  • (SG MAS, 14 Feb) MAS welcomes measures by financial institutions to support customers facing the impact of COVID-19 / MASは、 COVID-19 からの影響に直面する顧客を支援するための金融機関の措置を歓迎
  • (JP JFSA, 6Mar) Cash flow support for companies as impact of COVID-19 outbreak grows / COVID-19新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響拡大を踏まえた事業者の資金繰り支援
  • (CN CBIRC, 1 Mar) Order No.6 [2020] on Implementing Temporary Delayed Repayment of Principal and Interest for Loans of Small and Medium-sized Micro Enterprises. / 中小零細企業等貸付金の元利金の一時延納に関する命令第六号 (2020年)
  • (ID OJK, 5 Mar) Coronavirus outbreak; OJK ready to provide additional stimulus / コロナウイルスのアウトブレイク; OJK(インドネシア金融サービス庁)は追加刺激の提供を用意
  • (ID OJK, 16 Mar) POJK Impact Stimulus COVID-19 / COVID-19に対する景気刺激策
  • (IN RBI, 21 Mar) Indian banks seek easier loan repayment, NPA classification / インドの銀行はより容易なローン返済とNPA分類を要望
  • (MY BNM, 24 Mar) Measures to assist individuals, SMEs and corporates affected by COVID-19 / COVID-19 の影響を受ける個人・中小企業及び法人への支援策


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2. Capital and liquidity buffers - 資本および流動性バッファーの活用

  • Singapore financial markets functioning well despite heightened volatility / シンガポールの金融市場は、ボラティリティの高まりにもかかわらず、良好に機能
  • Announcement by the Monetary Authority on Applicable Jurisdictional Countercyclical Capital Buffer Ratio for Hong Kong / 香港の適用可能なカウンターシクリカル資本バッファー比率に関する金融当局の発表
  • Financial system sound, and Reserve Bank providing additional support / 金融システムの健全化とニュージーランド準備銀行による追加支援の実施
  • Bank subject to Basel standards may use capital buffer / バーゼル規制の対象となる銀行は資本バッファーを使用可能
  • APRA adjusts bank capital expectations / APRAが銀行の資本に対する期待を調整
  • RBI Announces USD/INR Sell Buy Swap / インド準備銀行はドルスワップオークションを実施
  • Temporary relaxations in Forex regulations / 為替規制の一時的な緩和
  • RBI Announces OMO Purchase of Government of India Dated Securities / インド準備銀行がOMOによるインド政府発行証券の買い入れを発表
  • Regulatory measures taken by SEBI in view of ongoing market volatility / 継続的な市場変動を考慮したSEBIの規制措置
  • Measures to Assist Individuals, SMEs and Corporates Affected by COVID-19 / COVID-19 の影響を受ける個人・中小企業・法人への支援策
  • SFC issues guidance to fund industry amidst COVID-19 outbreak / SFC、 COVID-19 の大流行を受けたファンド業界向けガイダンス


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3. Other activities – stress testing, regulatory priorities, etc. - ストレステストや規制の優先順位の確認

  • MAS Advises Financial Institutions to Adopt Recommended Measures for DORSCON Orange / MASが金融機関に感染症対策(DORSCONオレンジ)の推奨措置を勧告
  • Guidelines on handling of claims reported under Coronavirus / コロナウイルスに関連し報告された保険請求の取り扱いに関するガイドライン
  • COVID-19- Operational and Business Continuity Measures / COVID-19/運用およびビジネス継続性対策
  • Relaxation from compliance with certain provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and certain SEBI Circulars due to the COVID -19 virus pandemic / COVID-19ウイルスの世界的流行に起因する2015年SEBI (上場義務と開示要件) 規制の特定の条項および特定のSEBI通達の遵守における緩和
  • APRA adapts 2020 agenda to prioritise COVID-19 response / APRA、2020年のアジェンダを COVID-19 への対応を優先順位づけるよう適用
  • Measures to Assist Individuals, SMEs and Corporates Affected by COVID-19 / COVID-19 の影響を受ける個人・中小企業・法人への支援策


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Australia, RBA - In a statement by RBA Governor Phillip Lowe on 19th of March, it was unveiled that the RBA will now target yields for 3-year Australian Government bonds at the rate of 0.25 per cent, the same as the cash rate. Read more here.
オーストラリア、RBA (RBA) - 3月19日、RBAのフィリップ・ロー総裁の声明によると、RBAは、3年物のオーストラリア国債のターゲット利回りを、現預金金利と同じ0.25%に設定すると発表した。詳細はこちら

Hong Kong SAR, HKMA (March 16) – Eddie Yue, the HKMA Chief Executive, made remarks reaffirming that the HKMA is paying close attention to the financial markets in light of the recent volatility and rate cuts made by the US Federal Reserve. Read more here.
香港特別行政区 (3月16日) - HKMAのエディ・ユエ最高経営責任者は、最近の米連邦準備制度理事会によるボラティリティと金利引き下げを踏まえ、HKMAが金融市場に細心の注意を払っていることを再確認する発言をした。詳細はこちら

Hong Kong SAR, SFC - Joint Statement in relation to Results Announcements in light of Travel Restrictions related to the Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent. Read more here.
香港特別行政区、SFC - 新しい感染性病原体に伴う重症呼吸器疾患に関連した渡航制限に照らした結果発表に関する共同声明。詳細はこちら

Hong Kong SAR, SFC - Circular to Licensed Corporations Engaged in Asset and Wealth Management Activities - Asset and Wealth Management Activities Survey 2019. Read more here.
香港特別行政区、SFC - Asset and Wealth Management Activitiesのライセンスを受けた企業への通達-Asset and Wealth Management Activities Survey 2019、詳細はこちら

Hong Kong SAR, IA - Temporary facilitative measures to tackle the recent outbreak of Novel Coronavirus. Read more here.
香港特別行政区 - 最近発生した新型コロナウイルスに対処するための一時的な支援措置。詳細はこちら

•Hong Kong SAR, IA - Compliance with CPD Requirements under the New Regulatory Regime for Insurance. Intermediaries – One-off Extension of CPD Fulfillment Deadline by 3 Months. Read more here and here.
•香港SAR - New Regulatory Regime for Insuranceの下でのCPD要件への準拠。仲介業者:CPD履行期限を3か月延長。詳細はこちらこちら

•India - Indian banking Association (IBA) has made a five-point wish-list for the consideration of the RBI, and the request to defer term-loan installments for six months tops that charter of demands. Also on the list is an extension of the time period for classification of NPAs on short term loans like cash credits and overdraft and guarantees like letters of credit (LCs) from the present 90 days to 180 days. Read more here.
•インド - インド銀行協会(IBA)は、RBIに対する5点の要望リスト、定期貸付の6カ月延期の要請を作成、当該リストは、短期借入金(現金、当座貸越、信用状(LC)など)のNPA分類期間を現在の90日から180日に延長を含む。詳細はこちら

•Indonesia, BI - Observing the latest developments in the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia, Bank Indonesia is committed to ensuring the maintenance of monetary stability, financial system stability, the implementation of safe, smooth, reliable and efficient payment system services, as well as ensuring the availability of rupiah currency in the community. Read more here.
•インドネシア中央銀行は、同国における COVID-19 の広がりの最近の動向を注視しつつ、通貨の安定性、金融システムの安定性の維持、安全かつ円滑で信頼性の高い効率的な決済システム・サービスの実施、並びにコミュニティにおけるルピア通貨の利用可能性の確保を確保することにコミットしている。詳細はこちら

•Japan, BOJ – The BOJ decided to expand the QQE in ETF, with additional tools for supporting the funding of business sector, at the extraordinary Monetary Policy Meeting on Mar 16 in reaction to the COVID-19 outbreak. Read more here.

•Mainland China, PBOC – So far, more than 1.8 trillion yuan of credit support has been provided for the fight against the epidemic. From January to February, the banking industry added 250 billion yuan of manufacturing loans, significantly higher than the same period last year. The 300 billion yuan special re-loan established on January 31 has supported more than 5000 key enterprises for epidemic prevention and control. Read more here and here.
•中国(PBOC) - これまでに、1兆8000億元を超える信用支援がエピデミックとの闘いに提供された。銀行業界は、1−2月に製造業向け融資を2500億元増額、前年同期を大幅に上回った。1月31日に設立された3000億元の特別貸付は、5000以上の主要企業の感染防止・抑制を支援している。詳細はこちらこちら

•Malaysia - The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Bank Negara Malaysia decided to reduce the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) twice in this quarter; (1) by 25 basis points to 2.75% on 22 January 2020 and (2) by a further 25 basis points to 2.50% on 3 March 2020. The ceiling and floor rates of the corridor of the OPR are correspondingly reduced to 2.75 percent and 2.25 percent, respectively. Read more here.

•New Zealand - On March 16 2020 the RBNZ reduced the OCR from 1.0 percent to 0.25 percent for at least the next 12 months. Read more here. Read more here.
•ニュージーランド - RBNZは2020年3月16日、OCRを少なくとも今後12カ月間1.0%から0.25%に引き下げた。詳細はこちら。詳細はこちら

•Singapore, MAS (March 13) - The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said today that the Singapore Dollar money market and foreign exchange market are functioning normally in the face of heightened volatility in global and domestic financial markets. MAS stands ready to ensure the orderly functioning of financial markets and the stability of the financial system in Singapore. Read more here
•シンガポール - MAS(3月13日) - シンガポール金融管理局 (MAS)は今日、シンガポールドル短期市場と外国為替市場は、国際金融市場と国内金融市場の高い変動性に直面して、正常に機能していると述べた。MASは、シンガポールにおける金融市場の秩序ある機能および金融システムの安定を確保する用意がある。詳細はこちら

•Singapore, MAS – The Monetary Authority of Singapore issued an advisory to all financial institutions in Singapore, telling them to strengthen their social distancing measures. Measures include reducing traffic at customer-facing locations, cancelling or deferring all physical events, and promoting a safer workplace. Read more here.

•Singapore MAS, ACRA - The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) are working with other government agencies to propose legislative amendments in relation to the conduct of shareholder meetings, which include general meetings and scheme meetings. The legislation amendments will allow issuers the flexibility to limit the number of participants in a physical meeting and for other participants to participate (which includes voting) by virtual means, or hold meetings solely by virtual means. Read more here.
•シンガポールMASとACRA-シンガポール通貨監督庁 (MAS)と会計・企業規制庁(ACRA)は他の政府機関と協力し、株主総会や株主総会の運営に関連する法律改正を提案。改正案では、発行企業は、物理的な会議への参加人数を制限したり、他の参加者が仮想的な手段で(投票を含む)参加したり、仮想的な手段のみで会議を開催したりすることができるようになる。詳細はこちら

•Singapore, SGX - Singapore Exchange Regulation (SGX RegCo) in consultation with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) provided guidance on the holding of general meetings amid the COVID-19 situation (link). This is further to SGX RegCo’s announcement to allow issuers with a 31 December financial year-end, up to 30 June 2020 to hold annual general meetings (“AGMs”) to approve their 31 December 2019 (“FY Dec 2019”) financial results (link).
•Singapore 、 SGX-Singapore Exchange Regulation(SGX RegCo社)は、Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority(ACRA)および通貨監督庁(MAS)と協議し、シンガポールの状況のもとでの株主総会の開催に関するガイダンスを提供した(リンク)。SGXRegCoは、12月31日が決算日が発行体に対して、2020年6月30日までに2019年12月31日 (「2019年12月期」)の決算報告を承認する年次総会(以下、AGM)を開催することを許可(リンク)。

•Taiwan (province of China), FSC - In response to the recent new coronavirus, accounting firms cannot send staff to the mainland region to conduct audit work, which may affect the listed company announcement and declaration of 108 annual financial reports. The FSC has issued the relevant measures on February 25, 109, including that an accountant may implement alternative inspection procedures and listed companies to apply for extension of notice declaration related matters. Read more here.
•台湾、FSC - 最近発生したコロナウイルスに対応して、会計事務所は監査業務を遂行するためにスタッフを本土地域に派遣することができず、上場企業の108の年次財務報告書の発表と宣言に影響を与える可能性がある。金監委は2月25日、会計士が代案検査を実施したり、上場会社が公示事項の延長を申請できるようにするなどの措置を取った。詳細はこちら

•Taiwan (province of China), FSC - In response to the impact of severe COVID-19 on the industry, the FSC asked banks to cooperate with the Central Command Center and support to epidemic prevention including office closures, work-from-home, office inspection, BCP, and disinfection procedures. Read more here.
•台湾(FSC) - 金監院は、深刻な COVID-19 事態が発生した産業界への影響を考慮し、銀行に中央指揮センターと協力して、事務室閉鎖、在宅勤務、事務検査、BCP、消毒など防疫対策の支援を要請した。詳細はこちら

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