Why whistleblowing matters in Southeast Asia
We understand the importance of maintaining transparency and accountability in today’s business environment. Conduct Watch aims to help organisations in Southeast Asia and globally uphold these values by providing a secure, reliable, and independent platform for whistleblowing. Discover how our platform can benefit your organisation, enhance your reputation and drive business success in Southeast Asia and beyond.
In 2021, business leaders reported 41% increase in whistleblower reports which is likely to rise further |
Out of all fraud cases that are discovered within organisations 33% of cases are exposed by whistleblowers |
Whistleblowing reports have confirmed that 58% of organisations considers whistleblowing as high priority |
Each year companies lose on average 5% of their turnover to fraud. Twice as much as companies without a whistleblowing programme |
42% of schemes were detected by tip, and half of those tips came from employees |
In 2022 46% of organisations have updated their whistleblowing programmes |

Read our 2024 Conduct Watch survey report here:
Why Deloitte?
We have built a comprehensive and enhanced solution to meet your needs
We leverage our teams across the world for your whistleblowing needs
Tailored to complement and enhance your organisation's processes
Direct access to the team for any assistance you need
Streamlined processes and accessible anytime, anywhere
Conduct Watch: Early detection, risk mitigation and fostering a speak up culture in organisations
Watch these videos to see how Conduct Watch helps organisations in Southeast Asia and around the world protect its integrity, enhance trust among stakeholders, and foster a culture of transparency and accountability.
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