

ZenRisk is an end-to-end platform that enables continuous predictive model design and maintenance. It allows financial institutions to make smarter decisions by leveraging on machine learning and modern analytics.

Tech leveraged Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Use case(s) ZenRisk explains the black-box Machine Learning algorithms and helps FIs to significantly increase revenues.

Key features of ZenRisk are:
1) Business analysis
2) Hybrid Modeling
3) Machine learning feedback loop

Benefit(s) Reduction of the model maintenance costs
ZenRisk can help you in reducing the annual maintenance effort for data analysis, validation, and calibration by self-learning procedures.

Saving of economic and regulatory capital
By monitoring your credit risk with ZenRisk, expected losses are estimated more precisely, reduced RWA and thus lower equity/capital requirements.

Increase in profitability
Erroneously rejected but solvent customers are included in the portfolio by using new models - Banking the underbanked.

Reduction of losses
An improvement in the model quality by a few percentage points on the accuracy power, will help to prevent future losses in millions.

Point of contact(s)
Justin Ong (Local Sponsoring Partner),
Dr. Chee Wei Yen (Support)
Tag(s) Artificial intelligence, machine learning, financial services, analytics, market and credit risk
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