
Deloitte Compliance Monitor

Innovation exemplified. Compliance simplified.

Governance framework be it enterprise risk, enterprise compliance or internal control requires all three elements of people, process and technology to ensure effectiveness of the program. Technology component in any governance framework is an enabler that inculcates the discipline and enables effective reporting of the information. Deloitte Compliance Monitor (DCM) is the technology component in the compliance infrastructure. DCM captures and consolidates compliance information, thereby allowing monitoring and management of the compliance requirements of the organisation.

The key benefits of the Deloitte Compliance Monitor are as follows:

  • Enhanced line of sight into compliance requirements across the organisation
  • Reduced exposure on fines and penalties
  • Improved ability to prevent, detect, correct, escalate, and respond to noncompliance events
  • Providing greater confidence to the board and executive management in their ability to understand and manage compliance risks

The Deloitte Compliance Monitor

Contact us

Kasturi Nathan
Enterprise Risk Leader, Deloitte Southeast Asia

Krishman Varges
Enterprise Risk Director, Deloitte Southeast Asia

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