
Integrated solutions for sustainable businesses

Corporate sustainability, which encompasses environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, is increasingly positioned at the top of board agendas around the world. It is essential for corporate competitiveness and a company’s continued ability to successfully operationalise its business model.

Deloitte has developed a set of solutions for sustainable businesses and those that are seeking to become more sustainable, as well as for partnerships between private enterprises and United Nations/not-for-profit entities and foundations. Through these offerings, we are able to assist you in setting bold ambitions, strengthening your operations and discovering new ways to create value for your stakeholders both in the short- and in the long-term.

Board Effectiveness

Driven by pressures from capital markets, sustainability, which encompasses environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, is increasingly positioned at the top of board agendas. In order to maximise your board’s effectiveness and to fulfill your fiduciary duty, sustainability needs to be part of strategic conversations and decision-making.

For this purpose, Deloitte has developed two solutions:

  • Board Advisory

    Through this service, we bring the most relevant sustainability insights into your boardroom conversations and sustainability committee meetings, either on a regular basis or on-demand. We will challenge conventional thinking and share our perspective on your organisation’s most pressing challenges and opportunities.
  • Board Workshops

    These thematic workshops are designed to address your priorities and to offer deep dives into key topics impacting your company. From 60-minute briefs to half-day immersion modules, we adapt to your circumstances to deliver an insightful, interactive, and memorable experience.
Board Effectiveness

Agenda 2030

The Global Agenda For Sustainable Development, also known as Agenda 2030, and the associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute a unique opportunity for businesses to realign their purpose with the needs of societies around the world. Engagement with the SDGs is not only a “nice-to-have”; it simply makes good business sense.

For this reason, Deloitte has developed an integrated set of solutions to align corporate strategy with sustainability through the platform of the SDGs, incorporating Sustainability Risk Management (SRM) and a Creating Shared Value (CSV) approach. This will allow you to develop and achieve your 2030 Purpose over the coming decade.

The resulting actions include:

  • Align business strategy with SDGs and corporate purpose;
  • Create legacy, prosperity and continuity for your business;
  • Address customer and investor demands;
  • Adopt a holistic approach to corporate sustainability;
  • Drive corporate growth through social progress.


Agenda 2030

Sustainability Risk Management

There is a growing body of evidence indicating that sustainability factors influence financial returns and present an opportunity to drive long-term value. Today, some of the world's largest organisations are seeking to proactively manage and report on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks and to partner with or invest in “ESG ready” companies. Sustainability factors are part of the fundamentals needed to attain higher returns, organisational resilience, and stakeholder trust.

For this reason, Deloitte has developed the Sustainability Risk Management Framework to guide the integration of ESG factors based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our approach incorporates a risk management perspective to formulate and implement a corporate strategy that builds the legacy, prosperity and continuity of your organisation.

The resulting actions include:

  • Differentiate your brand;
  • Mitigate reputational risk;
  • Innovative and create new market opportunities;
  • Attract, engage and retain talent;
  • Increase operational efficiency and supply chain resilience;
  • Gain access to international investors or business partners;
  • Create partnerships with international organisations.
Sustainability Risk Management

Sustainability Reporting Strategy

Many stakeholders, including governments, financial regulators, and stock exchanges are paying more attention to the performance of organisations in view of their non-financial impacts. As sustainability reporting continues to mature and evolve, organisations can gain a better understanding of how sustainability issues impact their business and where opportunities for competitiveness and shareholder value can be found.

For this reason, Deloitte has developed the Sustainability Reporting Strategy as a roadmap towards strategic outcomes taking into account maturity phases. A report should be considered a strategic instrument to improve mission-critical relationships and open new doors for improving business performance.

The resulting actions include:

  • Recognise the importance of ESG and commit resources;
  • Incorporate sustainability in business models;
  • Leverage ESG/Sustainability linked loans;
  • Respond to consumers’ call for responsible sourcing and manufacturing;
  • Address investors’ expectations.
Sustainability Reporting Strategy

Partnership Mobilisation

In order to realise the potential of a business' contribution to sustainable development and its own corporate sustainability, collaborating with multiple stakeholders outside the private sector is instrumental. Understanding and pursuing common interests on the basis of complementary knowledge, resources, capabilities and networks among partnering organisations can add tremendous value to your efforts.

For this reason, Deloitte has developed a dedicated platform of services for partnerships between businesses and not-for-profit/international organisations or United Nations entities, including capacity-building, partnership health checks and issue deep dives.

The resulting actions include:

  • Unlock the potential of synergistic collaboration;
  • Discover new ways to create and capture value;
  • Enhance the efficiency of your operations;
  • Scale-up existing initiatives successfully;
  • Measure your impact on society and environment;
  • Leverage partnership-driven innovation;
  • Raise awareness for issues that are pivotal to your success;
  • Build your capacity to engage stakeholders strategically;
  • Enhance the resilience of your organisation;
  • Create your legacy.
Partnership Mobilisation

Social Responsibility in Business

Respecting human rights is key to competitive businesses, a productive workforce and just societies. Modern slavery acts around the world, which include human trafficking, debt bondage, forced labour, and child labour, are shaping the perception of human rights in business. Abiding by the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGP) Framework can address the urgent need for increased compliance in business operations, and stakeholder support.

More than 90% of SDG targets are linked to international human rights and labour standards. For this reason, Deloitte has developed tailored services to help organisations to adapt to global regulatory changes.

The resulting actions include:

  • Engage with the private sector to address existing human rights related SDGs;
  • Influence national-level strategies;
  • Stimulate behavioural change in the private sector;
  • Enable companies to show that they respect human rights.
Social Responsibility in Business

Contribution to Peace

Conflict and instability have devastating effects on people and communities and they can also materially affect business operations. It is critical for the private sector to play a strong role in this issue to create environments in which it can thrive. The more businesses contribute to local peace efforts, the more they can derive from and create value for enhanced political and socio-economic prosperity and development.

For this reason, Deloitte has developed tailored services to help businesses consolidate their contributions to peace. Our approach incorporates a risk management perspective to understand organisations’ conflict sensitivity and maturity, and our strategic and technical support can support you in improving your contribution to peace efforts.

The resulting actions include:

  • Develop strategies for peace contributions;
  • Create and implement policies, including code of ethics and code of conducts;
  • Conduct evaluations leveraging data analytics;
  • Improve reporting on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability efforts with a focus on peace;
  • Drive and encourage public-private dialogue.
Contribution to Peace

Climate Change

Many countries in Asia Pacific are considered to be among the most vulnerable in the world to the repercussions of climate change. Leaders around the world now realise that ignoring the implications of climate change on business models and value chains can threaten the entire enterprise. Faced with more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, among other impacts of climate change, businesses need to be proactive in mitigating relevant risks to ensure business continuity and profitability.

For this reason, Deloitte has developed a set of solutions to help businesses address value chain risks, build readiness towards different climate scenarios, as well as changes in the market, regulatory environments and investor needs.

The resulting actions include:

  • Develop climate change strategies (e.g. carbon strategy, risk and performance)
  • Reduce water and carbon footprints; 
  • Innovate and realise market opportunities;
  • Improve resiliency and enhanced business continuity;
  • Differentiate your brand;
  • Advance disclosure practices;
  • Collaborate with international organisations and coalitions.
Climate Change and Business