Deloitte Malaysia Chinese Services Group Publication


德勤马来西亚中国服务部 – 刊物

Deloitte Malaysia Chinese Services Group Publication

在马来西亚2024年财政预算案速览中,我们为您带来了马来西亚政府于2023 年10月13日向国会提呈的2024年国家财政预算案的聚焦领域。
In our Malaysia Budget 2024 Snapshot, we provide you with the salient key focus areas of the 2024 National Budget which was tabled in Parliament on 13 October 2023.

Get a comprehensive view of the newly announced budget and download your copy of the Budget Highlights now!

The ASEAN region and China are each other’s largest trading partners as well as essential investment partners. The ASEAN economy will continue to make strong progress in 2023, with bilateral trade expected to achieve even greater heights.

An important point to note is that taxation will continue to be a key factor to consider for Chinese investors looking to invest in this region. In recent years, tax governance has become a key consideration for business organisations, especially in the areas of tax transparency and tax compliance. Globally, many tax authorities have mandated a global tax reset, underpinned by tax reforms, resulting in companies having to contend with a much higher compliance requirement. These changes may pose challenges for Chinese companies investing in the ASEAN region.

Welcome to the fifth edition of the Guide to Taxation in Southeast Asia. This guide contains the latest investment and tax insights of all ten countries in the ASEAN region.

Get to know the latest guide by downloading a copy of the publication on the right.

东南亚税收指南 - 2023 Guide to Taxation in Southeast Asia - 2023


德勤中国 – 税务快讯
Deloitte China – Tax Newsflash


For more information about the latest tax regulations in China, please visit the official website of Deloitte China.

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