
Danny Tinga

Risk Advisory Strategic & Reputation Risk


Danny Tinga

Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970

For navigation: Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004

1081 LA Amsterdam


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At Deloitte me and my team help clients prepare, respond and recover from crisis and high impact events. We do this by implementing programs & structures, testing these but also being there when things really go wrong. We do this across the full risk spectrum; cyber, (financial) crime, regulatory, continuity etc etc.

The world is changing rapidly in this field and trends like hyper-connectivity, polarization, climate change and blurring boundaries make it more difficult to maneuverer. In the end I believe it is all about providing confidence and clarity.

Before joining Deloitte I held different roles in the banking industry and prior to that worked in law enforcement. Security, crisis and resilience have always been part of my professional career

Danny Tinga