
Fons Schram


Senior Manager

Fons Schram

Robonsbosweg 5

1816 MK Alkmaar


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Fons Schram has over 17 years experience as a tax advisor. Fons is originally educated in the general tax practice. This experience created a feeling to spot all relevant fiscal opportunities and make use of these opportunities with effective solutions.

In addition, Fons created specialties in activities related to tax accounting and tax compliance regarding corporate income tax. This specialty also means that experience has been acquired with different reporting standards (NL GAAP, US GAAP and IFRS) and preparing tax positions for the annual accounts. Furthermore Fons has extensive experience preparing the most complex corporate tax returns of (international) companies. Compilation of commercial / fiscal (de)consolidations is also common practice in this regard.

Fons has also acquired experience in the field of restructuring - such as acquisitions, (de)mergers and separations – in the role as advisor but also implementing the results in a tax position or the corporate income tax return.

Fons Schram