Forensic & Financial Crime


Forensic & Financial Crime

Clear and focused attention

Deloitte Forensic & Financial Crime advises clients on ways to mitigate their exposure to corruption, financial crime, enterprise fraud, cybercrime, supply chain breakdowns, and other vulnerabilities. We advise clients on how to react quickly and confidently in a crisis, corporate investigation or dispute.

How we can help

In the face of increasing regulation and technology-fueled corruption, threats to the reputation and value of your business have never been more widespread. We connect deep technical and industry insight with cutting-edge analytics and technology to provide tailored solutions to the most complex Forensic & Financial Crime matters. Regardless of location or industry, decades of global experience allow us to deliver focused resolutions to issues threatening your business today and help protect against risk in the future.

We are a leader in helping organizations manage the risk and vulnerabilities that come from fraud or dishonesty, bribery & corruption, money laundering, economic and trade sanctions, and other threats. We have in-depth experience assisting clients with turning critical and complex issues into opportunities for resilience and long-term advantage. Our service lines can be categorized as followed:

  • Discovery;
  • Investigations and Remediation;
  • Financial Crime Analytics;
  • Financial Crime Advisory; and
  • Disputes and Litigation


See beyond the matter at hand - With clear and focused attention

We have been providing eDiscovery services to corporate legal and IT departments, their outside counsel, and government agencies for more than 20 years. Our primary objective is to help our clients address the complexities associated with eDiscovery and information governance through the delivery of a comprehensive set of services and solutions. Our global industry and technical experience yields a more intelligent approach to discovery. Our insight into client needs enables us to address current matters in a cost-effective manner that is designed to withstand scrutiny, and establishes a robust and repeatable process for the future.

Investigations and Remediations

Act quickly and confidently - With clear and focused attention

We can help you manage the risks and vulnerabilities that come from global corruption, fraud, and other threats. We can help analyze allegations of financial mismanagement, address whistleblower allegations, respond to government regulator requests, even prevent or detect problems—before they occur. Our global network allows us to conduct extensive fact-finding and corporate investigations anywhere in the world, with service offerings in anti-corruption/anti-fraud consulting, corporate investigations, and foreign corrupt practices act consulting, to deliver broader solutions to clients, along the entire lifecycle, from proactive consulting to investigations to remediation. We help our clients act quickly and confidently in the face of regulatory concerns and actions, or sensitive internal investigations into fraud, corruption and misconduct. Our global network allows us to combine an understanding of local business cultures and regulatory issues to find a path to a successful resolution, and leaves you better-prepared to protect your assets and reputation.

Financial Crime Analytics

Maximize the value of your data - With clear and focused attention

We believe data is at the heart of prevention and detection of misconduct and financial crime. Therefore, we employ a dedicated Financial Crime Analytics team, composed of analytics professionals combining profound data science capabilities with experience and knowledge in the field of Financial Crime. Speaking the language of Forensic, we are capable of applying advanced analytics techniques to develop and apply new solutions to Forensic problems. We add value to many organizations through more effective and efficient investigations, advisory work that is innovative and considers the next strategic level, and by tackling data issues that obstruct the combat of financial crime.

Financial Crime Advisory

See it first. See it through - With clear and focused attention

We help clients protect their brand and reputation by proactively advising on their exposure to anti-money laundering, sanctions, fraud, corruption, and other financial crime issues. Using our global network and advanced analytics technology, we quickly and efficiently gain an understanding of our client’s exposure – giving them useful and actionable advice across their business. We provide offerings in financial crime strategy; AML, sanctions and regulatory advisory.

Business Intelligence Services

If you’re looking to expand your company through a third-party relationship, investment or a transaction, you need accurate information about these entities, especially the potential risks. Through our in-depth experience and global network, due diligence and advanced technology, we can help you minimize risk, so critical decisions can be made with confidence. We provide information on the background, integrity and reputation of selected individuals and entities in a variety of contexts.

Disputes & Litigation

Strengthen your position - With clear and focused attention

In a complex business dispute, we work with organizations and their lawyers in judicial and alternative dispute resolution forums, across a range of jurisdictions. Drawing on our deep expert witness, financial analysis, damage quantification, and discovery capabilities, we give our clients the insight and understanding they need to strengthen their case, at all stages of a business dispute.

More information on Forensic & Financial Crime?

Would you like more information on Forensic & Financial Crime? Please contact Baldwin Kramer via +3188 2887215, Gerrie Lenting via +31882880781 or Mark Hoekstra +31653978745


Baldwin Kramer

Baldwin Kramer


Baldwin is the Managing Partner within Financial Advisory at Deloitte the Netherlands. The Financial Advisory business comprises of; Mergers & Acquisition, Forensic & Financial Crime, Valuation & Mode... More

Gerrie Lenting

Gerrie Lenting


Gerrie Lenting leads our Forensic & Financial Crime business within Deloitte North West Europe. Gerrie’s drive is to focus on a positive result during complex and delicate regulatory and dispute matte... More

Mark Hoekstra

Mark Hoekstra


As Partner at Deloitte I specialize in the use of technology to assist clients solve complex business issues while recognizing that human behavior is usually causing these issues. Together with a team... More


Karin de Jong

Karin de Jong


Karin de Jong is an experienced Partner within Deloitte Financial Advisory Netherlands. She leads the Financial Crime practice within Deloitte Netherlands and has 12 years of consulting experience in ... More

Maarten Rijssenbeek

Maarten Rijssenbeek


Maarten is a Financial Advisory partner at Deloitte the Netherlands. He is offering clients support related to financial crime, regulatory enforcement, investigations and litigation matters. Maarten h... More