Strategic Impact Assessment


Measuring ESG impact with Strategic Impact Assessment

Three-part blog series

Strategic Impact Assessment (SIA) is a proven methodology to select, prioritise and manage your ESG impacts. Developed from over a decade’s practical experience and insight, SIA offers a high-level view of your organisation’s effect on the environment, economy and wider society – and then prioritises actions to improve your position by maximising returns for your most important stakeholders. Read our three-part blog series on our tool and how we can help your business.

Strategic Impact Assessment Brochure

The Strategic Impact Assessment (SIA) helps you assess, strategise and report on your sustainability performance across your entire value chain, empowering your business to be transparent in meeting tomorrow’s demands.

Our brochure will inform you about the benefits SIA can bring, details on our approach and who to contact at Deloitte to ensure that together we can make an impact that matters.


The sustainability impact of restaurants

RIJKS and Wils are one Michelin star restaurants based in Amsterdam. Having an intrinsic motivation to understand their footprint and be proactive in terms of their sustainability choices, they have collaborated with Deloitte and PRé Sustainability to assess their environmental impacts using Deloitte's Strategic Impact Assessment framework (SIA).

Read the article

A brave new world for ESG

Business impacts are increasingly under scrutiny from stakeholders and regulators, but the strategic advantages will come from thinking beyond statutory requirements, and taking a broader, more holistic approach. How to do that effectively is something we’ve been focusing on for more than a decade. Read our first blog on Strategic Impact Assessment and find out more.

Read our first blog

Measuring and comparing impacts

A holistic perspective on sustainability is great to follow in principle, but tricky to measure and weigh up in practice. Here’s how we’ve developed a way to clarify and compare impacts.

Read our second blog

One framework to assess them all

Having difficulty getting the CEO and CFO engaged in sustainability conversations? We outline our Strategic Impact Assessment framework, and why it’s gaining interest across the whole C-suite.

Read our third blog

Mobiliteit en brede welbvaart

Als Nederlanders zijn we graag onderweg, en met goede reden. Zo kunnen we werken, vrienden en familie zien, zo maken we deel uit van de samenleving. De overheid ondersteunt deze mobiliteit, bijvoorbeeld met de aanleg van infrastructuur en het subsidiëren van openbaar vervoer. Maar al deze mobiliteit heeft ook een keerzijde: de impact op milieu, leefomgeving en veiligheid is groot. Hoe zorgen we voor de juiste afwegingen? Door de overheid, bij een investering — en als inwoners, bij onze keuze hoe we reizen. True pricing helpt om inzicht te geven bij het maken van die keuzes. 

Lees meer in ons nieuwste artikel

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