
Michael Hompes

Consulting - Strategy & Operations

Senior Manager

Michael Hompes

Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970

For navigation: Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004

1081 LA Amsterdam


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Michael’s primary drive is realizing Innovation Strategy at clients in the Consumer & Industrial Products or Logistics, Ports & Shipping industries. Michael Hompes is a Manager at MonitorDeloitte, The Netherlands; the Strategy service line of Deloitte.

Michael is driven to assist organizations in addressing their toughest challenges in our dynamic and ever changing world; as Schumpeter’s theory of Creative Destruction is ever more valid today as it ever was before.

How do organizations deal with disruptive and exponential trends? What will be our Innovation Strategy? How do we create new revenue streams?

Michael specializes in Corporate & Business Unit Strategy, Innovation Strategy, Digital Strategy and developing concepts for new revenue streams.

Michael Hompes