Life at Deloitte

A once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity during sabbatical leave

Decisions magazine - Issue 13

Steffi Goh, Deloitte Clients & Markets Manager, leads the knowledge management and eminence activities within the SEA Industries programme. After five years in her role, Steffi was ready to further her studies, but she also knew that she did not want to leave Deloitte. Taking a one-year sabbatical leave was perfect for her, as it enabled her to invest in her self-development, and also allowed her to continue the career that she enjoys when she returns. Find out more about her once-in-a-lifetime experience during her sabbatical leave as she pursued a Master of Business Adminstration (MBA) at the University of Oxford.

What did you do during your sabbatical?

During my one-year sabbatical leave, I completed my MBA at the University of Oxford. Attending this hallowed institution was a dream come true (not least because of the Inklings and Harry Potter), and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. One of the most enriching courses I took was a marketing elective, where I had the opportunity to spend two weeks in New York having dialogues with executives of some of the most cutting-edge advertising agencies, as well as consumer product and technology companies. Despite the hectic academic schedule, I managed to find time to travel around the UK and visit other cities in Austria, Czech Republic, Ireland, and Hungary.

How did Deloitte support you for your sabbatical?

My managers were very supportive of me at every step along the way. Pursuing my MBA had always been part of my career development plan, and my managers worked with me to plan ahead for my leave, including covering my duties while I was away and writing reference letters for my MBA applications.

What were some of the key highlights from this experience?

One of the biggest perks of studying at Oxford was the access to high profile speaker events. In addition to the Romanes Lecture delivered by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, I also attended Oxford Union talks held by fashion designers Marc Jacobs and Vera Wang, Lord of the Rings actor Ian McKellen, hedge fund manager David Einhorn, former Formula One racing driver Nico Rosberg, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Jordan Belfort, amongst many others!

What were some of your key takeaways?

The MBA gave me the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn alongside over 300 classmates from 60 different nationalities across a variety of expertise and backgrounds. Above all, this experience has helped me to appreciate the importance of having a diverse set of perspectives, because any complex challenge worth solving is unlikely to have a single right answer!

Decision Magazine Issue 13

In issue 13, Czech out our Deloitte Singapore football teams – they competed in the 16th inter-Deloitte football tournament in Prague! Hear from Deloitte Clients & Markets Manager Steffi Goh about her once-in-a lifetime experience pursuing her MBA at the University of Oxford! Also, our interns give advice on how you can excel in your internship, and our newly promoted partners share pearls of wisdom on how you can rise to the top. Are you interested in working overseas and travelling around the world? Discover the international experiences and fond memories gathered by our Global Mobility Programme participants who are currently seconded to Paris, San Jose, Sydney and Melbourne. Lastly, explore some of our useful tips on how to dress to make an impact and succeed in your job interviews!

What are you waiting for? Download issue 13 now!

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