
A comparative look at dismissal costs and issues across Europe

Now including new jurisdictions and illustrations

Some of the survey’s key findings include:

  • Dismissal costs in surveyed countries differ substantially
  • Generally, dismissal costs in Western-Europe are higher than Central-Europe.
  • Dismissal costs are highest when an employee is dismissed without reason
  • In most countries, the legal grounds for an employer to dismiss employees are restricted and subject to strict formalities
  • In general, there is little or no difference in the cost of dismissal for individual reasons, compared to dismissal for economic reasons
  • Since the last International Dismissal Survey, some countries have substantially changed their dismissal regulations, in response to court decisions, or for simplification and increase of labor flexibility
  • In all surveyed countries, seniority within the company is the key factor in determining the level of dismissal cost
Download the complete International Dismissal Survey for more information.
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