
Industrial Products & Construction

By shaping raw materials into semi-finished and finished goods and delivering essential services, the Industrial Products & Construction (IP&C) industry is an important part of the global value chain, and essential to enabling a sustainable future.


Advancements in smart operations often stem from an ecosystem of solutions working together. Our IP&C practitioners leverage their deep industry knowledge and capabilities to connect ideas and build ecosystems across industries, to help solve complex problems.


With professionals in industrial manufacturing, aerospace and defense, engineering and construction, and trading houses, we are able to provide deep insight leveraging our strategic alliances and technology capabilities, work both collectively and individually to accelerate the pace of innovation and raise the bar on performance.


溫紹群 Rick Wen

溫紹群 Rick Wen


於2002年加入勤業眾信的風險管理部門,並參與了多項政府、金融業、高科技與製造業數位策略規劃、智慧城市諮詢與風險管理的工作,同時也是勤業眾信新創事業團隊成員、數位轉型服務負責人、能源、資源與工業產業負責人暨電信、媒體及娛樂產業負責人。 曾任經歷: 勤業眾信醫療照護產業負責人 勤業眾信副科技創新長 勤業眾信電信、高科技與媒體產業雲端大數據服務負責人   參與專業組織: 清華企業家協會 (TEN) 天... More