About Export Hub

About us

About Export Hub

Export Hub focuses on exports to developed markets through retail networks and distributors. It is about the search for and connection of exporters with potential buyers in order to create successful and long-term business relationships between them. The project supports Ukrainian FMCG producers, mainly in processed foods, groceries and fresh produce. Only the best producers that are most suited for exports are selected for the Export Hub program.

Food and beverages

Food and beverages is a category that comprises meals, snacks and liquid drinks, prepared to customer order for immediate consumption on and off the premises.

Household goods

Household goods are privately owned goods consisting chiefly of furniture, appliances, etc. for keeping house.

These are the tangible and movable personal property.

Such goods are organized into three sub-categories:

  • Consumer Electronics
  • Appliances, Tools & Housewares
  • Home Furnishings (such as furniture).

Handmade goods

Handmade goods are generally made by “hand” or involving “hand process”. It may also be interpreted as “hand-assembled” or “hand-altered” because today you generally cannot make “by hand” all the items that go into a producing a handmade item. Handmade items often include clothes, jewelry, hair accessories, paintings and postcards, toys, furniture etc. It is believed that handmade items are more unique so may be appreciated higher than those produced by the machines.


Furniture can be a product of design and is considered a form of decorative art. 

All units of furniture may be divided in such categories:

  • for seating;
  • for sleeping or lying;
  • entertainment;
  • tables;
  • storage;
  • sets.

Furniture may be made from many materials, including metal, plastic, and wood.

Light electronics

Light electronics - electronic components, devices, or equipment used to illuminate the space. This includes artificial light sources like lamps. They may be used indoor or outdoor, in automobiles, on stage and in set etc. using different techniques like halogen, neon, LED, fluorescent.

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