Service Operations
Customers expect quality and value in return for their business, but meeting these expectations can be quite different for organizations that provide services rather than products.
Deloitte Service Operations practitioners work with service organizations across multiple industries and sectors to improve profitability and business productivity. We help you enhance core elements of your business model, applying analytics and “outside the box” thinking to improve service quality for your customers while creating value for your organization by simplifying processes, reducing operating costs, and aligning technology systems to operating models to achieve a competitive edge.
The last-mile problem: How data science and behavioral science can work together
If we want to act on data to get fit or reduce heating bills, we need to understand not just the analytics of the data, but how we make decisions
Compliance without tears
While many businesses may welcome fewer government regulations, what’s often most important to them is simply to spend less time on reporting and compliance. A focus on improving the customer experience may offer a key to reducing friction costs in government-business interactions.
Employees as customers: Reimagining the employee experience in government
As governments look to build a workforce able to tackle the tough, interconnected challenges of the 21st century, strengthening the government employee experience is particularly critical. By treating employees as customers, agencies have the chance to improve both the employee experience and their own ability to execute their mission.
Global IFRS Banking Survey – Sixth edition
The Sixth Global IFRS Banking survey focuses on how technical IFRS 9 impairment requirements and modelling challenges are being addressed and seeks to provide clients, regulators and the wider market with insights into current thinking across the sector.
IFRS 9 Financial instruments
IFRS 9 Financial instruments, which replaces IAS 39, may have a significant business, financial and technical impact.