CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine


About CIS IDO Summit 2019

Making impact that matters

On 30-31 July 2019, Deloitte House in Kyiv hosted the first CIS IDO Summit bringing together over 30 Deloitte executives from key CIS markets, Global Key IDO Account Leaders, and representatives of international donor organizations.

Member Firm account leaders and practitioners had a chance to meet the Global IDO Industry Group Leader and Global LCSPs on our key accounts, learn about our CIS IDO Operating Model, hear from the clients, and participate in networking dinners.



Time Event Speaker(s)
July 29, Welcome Dinner
   19:00 – 21:00 Welcome dinner      
     “Kanapa” restaurant
     (19A Andriivskyi descent)
Summit Day 1, July 30
(Deloitte office, 2nd floor)
   08:45 – 9:15 Welcome coffee, registration  
   09:15  – 9:30 Opening Remarks   •  Ian Colebourne, CEO (Deloitte CIS)
      •  Andriy Bulakh, Office Managing Partner
     (Deloitte Ukraine)
      •  Greg Fishman, Head of IDO/ IFI Advisory
     Practice (Deloitte CIS)
   09:30 – 10:15 Global IDO Industry Group & Future of IDO at Deloitte Global   •  Kishore Rao, Global Head of IDO Industry
     Group (Deloitte USA)
      •  Markus Mueller, CS Managing Director,
     Consulting (Deloitte USA)
   10:15 – 10:30  Q&A, Discussion  
Key Client Account Presentations: Aligning to Global Strategy - In Focus on CIS
   10:30 – 11:00 USAID (Global Crown Jewel Acct.)   •  Kishore Rao, Global LCSP
   11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break  
   11:15 – 11:45 World Bank   •  Dalai Fazio, Global CRE
   11:45 – 12:15 EU (Global Crown Jewel Acct.)   •  Karim Moueddene, Global LCSP
   12:15 – 12:30 EBRD   •  Davor Cilic, CIS IDO BM
   12:30 – 12:45 UN   •  Bas Van Rossum, Global BAM
   12:45 – 13:30 Panel Discussion:
Business Development in IDO:
Exploring the Differences between Accounts:
How they buy and What they like
     Moderator: Greg Fishman
  •  Kishore Rao
  •  Markus Mueller
  •  Anthony Cauterucci
  •  Dalai Fazio
  •  Karim Moueddene
   13:30 – 15:00 Lunch  
CIS Delivery Capabilities by Region
   15:00 – 15:15 CIS Strategic overview   •  Christopher Armitage
   15:15 – 15:30 Kazakhstan and CAR Strategy   •  Mark Smith
   15:30 – 15:45 Georgia   •  Stuart Leighton
   15:45 – 16:00 Armenia Strategy   •  Arpine Ghevondyan
   16:00 – 16:15 Azerbaijan Strategy   •  Tural Hajiyev
   16:15 – 16:30 Belarus Strategy   •  Olga Stepaneyeva
   16:30 – 16:45 Ukraine Strategy   •  Andriy Bulakh
   16:45 – 17:00 Coffee Break  
   17:00 – 18:00 Panel Discussion:
CIS Delivery Capabilities by Region
     Moderator: Andriy Bulakh
  •  Christopher Armitage
  •  Mark Smith
  •  Stuart Leighton
  •  Arpine Ghevondan/ Tural Hajiyev
  •  Olga Stepaneyeva
   19:00 – 21:00 Networking Dinner      Sho” restaurant (18 Mechnykova Str.)
 Summit Day 2, July 31
 (Deloitte Office, 2nd Floor)
   09:00 – 9:30 Welcome coffee  
   09:30 – 10:15 New CIS IDO Operating Model   •  Greg Fishman, Head of IDO/ IFI
      Advisory Practice (CIS)
   10:15 – 10:30 Q&A, Discussion  
   10:30 – 11:15 CIS IDO Addressable Market & Pipeline Review for 2020      Greg Fishman, Davor Cilic
   11:15 – 11:30 Coffee break  
   11:30 – 12:15 Winning Themes and Winning Tools for CIS aligning to Global Strategy      Kishore Rao, Markus Mueller, Anthony
     Cauterucci , Open Discussion
   12:15 – 12:30 Q&A, Discussion  
   12:30 – 14:30 Executive Brown Bag Lunch:
Client Spotlights: IFC & EBRD
• CIS strategy
• How they buy
• What do they like/ dislike
  in their Contractors
     Moderator: Kishore Rao,
     Global Head of IDO IG, Deloitte
  •  Matteo Patrone, Managing Director,
     Eastern Europe and Caucasus, EBRD
  •  Jason Brett Pellmar, Regional Manager,
     Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, IFC
   14:30 – 15:15 Project Spotlight: USAID Governing for Growth Project
  •  Natalia Beruashvili, Chief of Party of
     USAID Governing for Growth Project
   15:15 – 16:30 Panel discussion:
Big challenges internally,
and how to overcome them
     Moderator: Greg Fishman
  •  Kishore Rao
  •  Andriy Bulakh
  •  Davor Cilic
  •  Anthony Cauterucci
  •  Markus Mueller
   16:30 – 16:45 Coffee break  
   16:45 – 17:00 Closing Remarks
and Next Steps
     Andriy Bulakh, Greg Fishman


CIS Key Market Leaders


Global Key Account Leaders

  • Kishore Rao – Global Head of IDO Industry Group, Deloitte United States
  • Karim Moueddene – Global Lead Client Service Partner for European Institutions, Deloitte Belgium
  • Dalai Fazio – Client Relationship Executive on the World Bank Account, Deloitte United States
  • Bas van Rossum – Global Account Manager for the United Nations, Deloitte Netherlands
  • Anthony Cauterucci – Client Relationship Executive on USAID Account, Deloitte United States
  • Markus Mueller – CS Managing Director, Consulting, Deloitte United States



  • Ian Colebourne – Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte CIS
  • Kishore Rao – Global Head of IDO Industry Group, Deloitte United States
  • Andriy Bulakh – Managing Partner, Deloitte Ukraine
  • Greg Fishman – Head of Donor/IFI Advisory Group, CIS

CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine

CIS IDO Summit 2019

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