
Cooperation between Germany and Ukraine

Dear Damen und Herren,

German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development recently noted:

In the face of the Russian invasion, there have been almost no German companies that completely shut down their operations in Ukraine. They opt to ‘keep their foot in the door’ because they know it’s worth it.

At Deloitte, we – along with supporting our German clients that continue their activities in Ukraine – make every effort to strengthen cooperation between Germany and Ukraine.

On 25 April, together with experts from Deloitte Germany, we hosted a webcast on “Ukraine: potential for German business” for German companies, which discussed the following areas:

  • The current state of the Ukrainian economy
  • Investment opportunities and the tax & legal incentives existing in Ukraine
  • The tax environment and the latest governmental initiatives
  • Hot industries for investors

In addition, June will witness Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) to be jointly held by Germany and Ukraine in Berlin. Deloitte will take part in URC2024 and run its own side event that will bring together Germany’s and Ukraine’s governments, international organizations, business, and civil society.

In addition, we would like to emphasize the interest that German defense companies take in doing business in Ukraine – this is what we are increasingly observing when communicating with our partners and clients.

As a Deloitte single team, we are ready and eager to support investors entering the Ukrainian market.

Our team will be glad to help you in implementing your projects and achieving shared goals. Together, we can unlock the full potential of the German-Ukrainian partnership.

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