informational messages, tax and legal alerts, Deloitte Ukraine


Tax & Legal Alerts


Cooperation between Ukraine and Poland


On 14 June 2024, Deloitte Ukraine and Deloitte Poland held a webinar on “Doing Business in Ukraine: Tax and Legal Matters”. The event was organized for Polish companies exploring the possibility of expanding their business in Ukraine, and regional headquarters in Poland with the scope of responsibilities covering tax and legal matters in Ukraine.

19 June 2024

Changes to the Reservation Procedure

Legal Alert

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (“CMU”) by its Resolution No. 650 dated 5 June 2024 has approved the Procedure for reservation of military-obliged persons during martial law through the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services.

13 June 2024

Cooperation between Germany and Ukraine


“In the face of the Russian invasion, there have been almost no German companies that completely shut down their operations in Ukraine. They opt to ‘keep their foot in the door’ because they know it’s worth it,” recently noted German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development. At Deloitte, we – along with supporting our German clients that continue their activities in Ukraine – make every effort to strengthen cooperation between Germany and Ukraine.

15 May 2024

The largest easing of currency restrictions since the start of the full-scale invasion

Legal Alert

The National Bank of Ukraine continues to ease currency restrictions imposed at the beginning of the full-scale war. This time, the regulator has introduced the largest easing of currency restrictions for business, in particular those related to payment for imported works and services, payment of dividends to non-residents, repayment of loans from non-residents, and other easing measures.

14 May 2024

Cooperation between Japan and Ukraine


Over the past few months, the Japanese government has paid much attention to deepening cooperation with Ukraine, both at the level of governments and at the level of promoting the development of business ties between the Japanese and Ukrainian companies.

16 April 2024

Tax authorities report on the previous TP Campaign

Legal Alert

This week, the State Tax Service of Ukraine has released the latest statistics relating to transfer pricing (TP).

6 March 2024

The State Sanctions Register is launched

Legal Alert

In July 2023, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Imposition of Sanctions” came into effect. The Law provides for the creation of the State Sanctions Register.

7 February 2024

Changes to the Report on Controlled Transactions and Transfer Pricing Annex to CIT Return

Legal Alert

In December 2023, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine made public its orders (Order No. 673 and Order No. 725) introducing changes to transfer pricing reporting.

11 January 2024

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