Eyes to the sky: Three enduring eternities
The history of IT has been a steady evolution of pioneering innovations in interaction, information, and computation, which together serve as the enduring foundation of modern computing.
Feet firmly on the ground: Three foundational forces
Existing systems and investments—represented by the business of technology, cyber and trust, and core modernization—need to integrate with pioneering innovations so businesses can seamlessly operate while they grow.
Widening the aperture: Exploring the next frontiers, from infotech to xTech
Historically, “technology” has served as shorthand for information technology. But an extended set of technologies—or xTech—is on the horizon. We anticipate that six emerging technology disciplines will eventually rival IT in their impact on business innovation.
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Tech Trends highlights accelerating trends that are likely to disrupt businesses during the next 18 to 24 months across industries and geographies. Download and read the full report.
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The Novel and Exponential Technologies (NExT) team includes futurists and researchers who sense—and make sense of—emerging technologies with the potential for widespread business impact. With our pragmatic approach to futurism, we help organizations shape strategic business agendas and set an intentional course toward tomorrow.
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Case Studies
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Our technology case studies form a collage of how pioneering leaders and organizations are building distinct facets of the future, today, through emerging technology innovations.
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Technology can do great things for business—but only if people are willing to use it. Watch the video and learn how building trust is the key to unlocking tech’s full potential.
Thank you to the following team members for their help in supporting the research, analysis, writing, design, production, and PR that went into this report.
Mike Bechtel, Bill Briggs, Hiroki Akahoshi, James Allan, Beena Ammanath, Volker Barent, Yousef Barkawie, Dylan Best, Ian Blatchford, Osama Butt, Yasar Butt, Francisco Calvao, Marlisio Campos, Joseph Cody, Allan Cook, Ken Corless, Lars Cromley, Ruchir Dalmia, Gianluca D’Antonio, Tim de Looijer, Jose Maria De Santiago, Jefferson Denti, Lou DiLorenzo, Erica Dodd, Rebecca Donelly, Liz Douglass, Laura Entwistle, Peter Fach, Michael Falkinder, Frank Farrall, Jochen Fauser, Bernhard Goebl, Eyal Goldberg, Nuno Goncalves, Kevin Govender, Jill Hammerschmidt, Stephen Harrington, Wendy Henry, Takahisa Inaba, Per Kall, Khalid Kark, Mikako Kawashima, Tomoyuki Kibe, Andreas Klein, Jaakko Kontiainen, Tilman Lesch, Mark Lillie, David Linthicum, Joe Little, John Low, Daniel Martyniuk, Josh Massad, Rob Massey, Ingo Matzner, Patrick Mclvor, Niamh McPherson, Alessandro Menezes, Nitin Mittal, Tomohiro Morimura, Takafumi Moriya, Kellie Nuttall, Graeme Oakley, Koren O’Brien, Rodrigo Oliveira, Sejal Patel, Nathaniel Paynter, Lilly Pencheva, Timo Perkola, Angelle Petersen, Dalibor Petrovic, Felipe Piccirilo, Brett Raux, Nicholas Reed, Michael Roos, Axel Rupp, Basit Saeed, Stuart Scotis, Akitaka Senda, Laura Shact, Anjali Shaikh, Catrina Sharpe, Eduardo Silva, Raj Singh, Cindy Skirvin, Emad Tahtouh, Daichi Tanaka, René Theunissen, Benjamin Thornhill, Andries van Dijk, Markku Viitanen, Anush Viswanathan, Tyler Welmans, Anna Wiacek-Kocot, Amanda Williamson, Anja Wittig, Yushi Yamamoto, Kevin Young, Frances Yu, and the Knowledge Services team.
Writing, design, production, and PR
Natalie Martella Haas, Stefanie Heng, Caroline Brown, Adrian Espinoza, Heidi Morrow, Ed Burns, Abhijith Ravinutala, Kelly Raskovich, Raquel Buscaino, Lucas Erb, Angela Huang, Sarah Mortier, Bennie Seybold, Alison Cizowski, Deanna Gorecki, Mary Hughes, Mikaeli Robinson, and the Deloitte Insights and Green Dot Agency teams.