18 January 2022

A survey of 2,000+ C-level executives reveals CxOs are increasingly concerned about climate change. Yet, they’re struggling to fully embed sustainability into their core business strategies, operations, and cultures.

A tipping point for climate change

According to our survey, 89% of CxOs agree there’s a climate crisis and almost 79% of executives surveyed by Deloitte see the world at a tipping point for responding to climate change, compared to 59% eight months ago. Despite the gravity of the moment, there is a prevailing sense of optimism: 88% currently agree that with immediate action, we can limit the worst impacts of climate change.

Climate change is impacting business

Ninety-seven percent of companies have felt the impact of climate change, including operational and supply chain disruptions, regulatory uncertainty, and increased employee anxiety.

Growing pressure to act

Stakeholders increasingly expect executives to address climate change, with pressure coming from regulators, boards, customers, shareholders, and employees alike.

Companies are acting, but is it enough?

There’s progress: 53% have sustainability officers, 67% plan to be net-zero by 2030 or before, 55% are reducing air travel. But a third haven’t taken more than one of five of what Deloitte’s analysis identifies as “needle-moving” actions.

Leaders offer lessons learned

Leading companies who have implemented at least four of five “needle-moving” actions are unlocking the benefits of sustainability and embedding it into business strategies, operations, and cultures.

Read the 2022 Deloitte CxO
Sustainability Report

Read the 2022
Deloitte CxO
Sustainability Report

Survey of 2,000+ global CxOs finds that concern and
optimism about climate are on the rise. But gaps exist
between CxOs’ opinions and motivations,
actions, and impact.
GET THE REPORT download download

Learn more about Deloitte’s Climate & Sustainability work

Technology, Media & Telecommunications

The actions of governments, businesses, and individuals have an undeniable impact on our world's climate, health, and equity outcomes. The choices we make today will determine the quality of life for generations to come. A better future depends on sharing expertise and experience more broadly than ever before. Let’s reimagine the way we work and find new and lasting solutions to make an impact that matters.

Get in touch

Jennifer Steinmann

Jennifer Steinmann

Deloitte Global Climate & Sustainability Leader

Deloitte LLP
Derek Pankratz

Derek Pankratz

Deloitte Global Climate & Sustainability Leader

Senior Manager

Deloitte LLP