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Reimagining service delivery for Legal

How legal transformation is speeding up business operations

We know legal departments are at a crossroads, being asked to do more with the same resources—or sometimes even less. At the same time, non-legal employees are unsure where to start when they have a concern. Explore our new infographic and see how legal departments can speed up, simplify, and continue to deliver high-quality services while saving legal spend.

The need for legal process modernization

A high volume of legal requests. Proliferating regulations. And more demand for transparency. These factors can stretch your legal departments to a breaking point. At the same time, legal departments are facing growing pressure from both internal and external forces to identify inefficiencies, improve processes, and address needs now.

Non-legal employees are often unsure where to start when they have a legal request or concern—and going to the wrong person often creates a chain of forwards and handoffs until the right person is found. On the other hand, lawyers are bombarded by the number of requests coming from all directions. Because of this disorder, legal departments have been more reactive than proactive, lacking a consistent and centralized way of assigning and tracking processes or metrics across the organization.

So how is Legal supposed to speed up, simplify, and continue to deliver high-quality services all at the same time? And how does Legal help the business keep better pace with the changing business and regulatory landscape?

Bringing modern order to legal service delivery

Deloitte and ServiceNow offer a product and set of bundled services around legal service delivery to meet leaders wherever they are in the journey. Our approach focuses on people, processes, and technology, creating and executing on an actionable road map for legal process modernization.

We assist our clients’ legal department operations to help them understand, streamline, automate, track, measure, and execute processes around legal service delivery.

Reach out today to see how we can help you streamline your legal processes and embrace digital legal transformation.

Contact us

Brian Karney
Managing director
Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP
+408 690 2888


Girish Srinivasan
Managing director
Deloitte Consulting LLP
+1 617 803 9146


Bryan Foster
Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP
+1 713 982 2747

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