
Shareholder involvement is key to gender diversity in the boardroom

Press release

Shareholder involvement is key to gender diversity in the boardroom, according to new global report from Deloitte

New York, 6 March 2013 - Organizations would benefit from increased participation from shareholders on gender diversity discussions in the boardroom. This is according to the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited’s (DTTL)  third edition of a report from the Deloitte Global Center for Corporate Governance, "Women in the Boardroom: A Global Perspective."  

The study examined initiatives in 25* countries aimed at increasing the number of women in boardroom positions around the world. The research highlights a variety of approaches to support diversity on boards, including requiring more disclosure on diversity policies, setting targets, and implementing quotas. The report found a large discrepancy among countries regarding the most efficient way to increase the number of women occupying boardroom positions.

Dan Konigsburg, Managing Director, Deloitte Global Center for Corporate Governance, DTTL, comments: “It is encouraging that diversity - and more specifically, gender diversity - is frequently being discussed in the business community. However, we still see relatively few shareholder proposals and direct shareholder discussions about gender diversity in the boardroom beyond a small number of activist holders. This is clearly leading to too many one-sided discussions and may cause companies to conclude that their owners just do not see gender diversity as a priority. The debate around the increased role women should play in boardrooms will be strengthened if everyone participates: managements, boards of directors, business associations, policy makers, governments, and the shareholder community.”

Download and view the full report (PDF) on DTTL’s Center for Corporate Governance site.

*Countries profiled: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Brazil, Canada, United States, Israel, South Africa.

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