Risk Intelligent Proxy Disclosures — 2013
Trending upward
In 2013, Deloitte conducted further analysis of board level risk oversight disclosures in proxy statements issued by S&P 200 companies. Similar to our efforts in 2010 and 2011, our analysis of risk-related disclosures in proxy statements was to provide a glimpse into risk oversight and management practices — at least to the extent to which these practices are being disclosed. We also sought to provide insight on how such practices are changing over time.
Organizations strive to achieve and maintain excellence in risk governance and fully tell the story, are taking steps to protect and enhance shareholder value.
Our 2013 analysis provides evidence of a steady upward trend in risk-related disclosures. For example, 91% of companies disclosed that the full board is responsible for risk. Furthermore, risk-related disclosures at the management level increased, with high percentages of companies disclosing the establishment of a management-level risk committee.
Download the full report and infographic to learn more about the findings of the 2013 proxy disclosure analysis and to view trends in risk oversight-related disclosures.