Strategic Communications


Strategic Communications

Building and elevating trust through multi-audience narrative development and execution

It’s now as much about how you tell your story as it is about what you do. Are you prepared?

Times have changed—a lot. At Deloitte, we help organizations to adapt their communications strategies to reflect today’s world and evolving audience expectations. It’s imperative for organizations to have a multi-audience approach to communicating decision-making that focuses on shared value creation for all. There’s also a heightened focus on integrating sustainability across all aspects of an organization.

Our Strategic Communications practice is focused on helping organizations build and elevate trust with multiple and diverse audiences through narrative development and execution. Comprising former in-house investor relations leaders, ESG trained advisors, and specialist communications consultants, our team has extensive experience with supporting many public and private Canadian companies and government organizations to increase trust and drive value throughout the normal business cycle, as well as in special situations, crisis response, and issues and change management—to name a few.

How we can help

Our practice offers a boutique strategic communications experience to better position clients in the market in which they operate. We can advise on all aspects of an organization’s corporate journey using our multi-disciplinary and comprehensive approach that can be project managed and executed by a fully integrated team.

Click each tile below to learn more about our services:

1. Investor relations

Strategic counsel

Develop a holistic communications strategy customized for the organization’s unique needs, including a plan that encompasses all disclosures to preserve and grow long-term value.

Outsourced investor relations (IR)

Fulfill the in-house IR role over the short or long term. Develop best-in-class IR programs, identifying opportunities within existing programs, and implementing the enhancements to ensure the benefits continue following conclusion of the engagement.

AGMs & investor days

Develop the narrative and content for annual general meetings (AGMs) and investor days, ensuring the event is engaging (and fully compliant with any associated regulations), and provides a platform for the company to tell its story in a succinct, organized fashion.

Strategy refresh

Provide an objective, outside lens on how clients can disseminate a strategic narrative to ensure impact.

Transformative events

Support client communications through a range of transactions, including spin-offs, hostile or unsolicited transactions, debt restructuring, joint ventures, and partnerships.

Thought leadership & executive positioning

Enhance executive influence and credibility within targeted audience groups by building personal brand awareness and eminence using a variety of channels and platforms.

Corporate transactions/IPOs

Frame corporate actions within the context of a larger, long-term strategy, ensuring that the market has the right information on the steps the organization is taking to create long-term shareholder value.

Activist investor defence

Assist clients in navigating this complicated and highly visible process, from open letters to proxy battles.

Corporate reporting transformation

Create of clear links between strategy, financial performance, investors, sustainability, and ESG factors.

2. Corporate communications

Strategic counsel

Develop a holistic communications strategy customized for the organization’s unique needs, including a plan that encompasses all disclosures to preserve and grow long-term value.

Narrative development

Draft clear, consistent messages that not only articulate the organization’s story and objectives, but also accelerate progress toward its objectives over time.

Audience engagement

Develop and apply a strategic, targeted approach to identify, acquire, and retain key audiences.

Strategy refresh

Provide an objective, outside lens on how clients can disseminate a strategic narrative to ensure impact.

Transformative events

Support client communications through a range of transactions, including spin-offs, hostile or unsolicited transactions, debt restructuring, joint ventures, and partnerships.

Thought leadership & executive positioning

Enhance executive influence and credibility within targeted audience groups by building personal brand awareness and eminence using a variety of channels and platforms.

Media relations

Manage or support outreach to key target media in a strategic manner, with a focus on garnering attention to support organizational objectives.

3. Sustainability narrative development

Sustainability advisory & corporate reporting

Establish clear links between the organization’s strategy, financial performance, investors, sustainability, and ESG factors.

Awareness-building & amplification

Plan and execute communication programs to get the message out about the organization’s ESG reporting and disclosure, including via social and mainstream media.

4. Issues management & crisis response

Crisis communications requires a coordinated response to ensure the organization presents a consistent message across communication channels and controls false information. We help ensure robust preparation with fundamental communications assets that enable the organization to manage incident communications in an immediate, coordinated, and assured manner.

5. Government & public services

Organizations operating in the government and public services (GPS) space have unique and significant considerations when it comes to communications and engagement. We dive deep to understand all needs and limitations, developing a tailored strategy and tactics to achieve the organization’s communications goals.

6. Media relations

Media relations

Manage or support outreach to key target media in a strategic manner, with a focus on garnering attention to support organizational objectives.

Thought leadership & executive positioning

Enhance executive influence and credibility within targeted audience groups by building personal brand awareness and eminence using a variety of channels and platforms.

Strategic counsel

Develop a holistic communications strategy customized for the organization’s unique needs, including a plan that encompasses all disclosures to preserve and grow long-term value.

Media monitoring

One-stop solution to track and record all social listening and media monitoring in real time, with analytics encompassing volume, velocity, share of voice, and other key metrics.

Get in touch

Kristen Davies

Kristen Davies

Partner, National Lead, Strategic Communications

Specializing in investor relations, corporate communications, ESG narratives, complex stakeholder relations, and crisis communications, Kristen is a seasoned communications practitioner with two decad... More