Outcomes over optics
Building inclusive organizations

While many other nations turn inward, Canada proudly champions an open, inclusive society. Our commitment to inclusion now offers us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to seize a lasting competitive edge on the global stage. We can stand tall as the best place in the world to live, work—and belong. Together, we can build a foundation for lasting prosperity for all.

But we need to act now, and boldly. Our companies need to move past outdated approaches to diversity and inclusion that are failing to deliver real progress. It’s time to shift from counting our differences to embracing and uniting them instead. It’s time for outcomes, not optics.

Why inclusion matters to Canadian organizations

Our research shows that highly inclusive companies achieve superior results―they’re more innovative, more adaptable, and faster-growing than less inclusive ones.

Delivering financial performance

Prepared to weather the storm

Bringing more Canada to the world

Growing and thriving

Challenging the status quo

Unite to include―and build a better,
more prosperous Canada.

Get in touch

At Deloitte, we believe Canada can continue to be the undisputed best place in the world to live and work over the next 25 years. Canada at 175 is our multi-year research initiative to study the issues at the heart of Canada’s future success and provide a perspective on our path to prosperity.

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