
Family Business Services     

Helping family businesses flourish  

Supporting family businesses, their owners and their executives throughout their lifecycle – from start-up and growth, through to sale or succession.

All family businesses are different, but all share a unique interaction between the business and its owners – the family. At the heart of our work with family businesses is our appreciation of the key challenges that can arise when families and business collide. Our specialists work with some of the largest and most diverse family businesses in the world to help solve some of their most complex family business issues.


Our unique approach helps family businesses review and optimise the key factors which contribute to sustained growth and longevity. From supporting families with the alignment of their family vision, values and goals, and helping to define a profitable business strategy, to designing a business structure which meets both family and commercial objectives, and helping to achieve strong business performance whilst ensuring the family remains committed and strong through the generations. Our aim is to help family businesses manage the constant shifts in perspectives, goals, and interests as a result of the ever-evolving, complex lifecycles of the business, the family, and the individuals within it.

Helping to solve your most complex family business issues

Click on the diagram below to find out how we can support your family business.

We developed six customised solutions for our clients

The resilient family enterprise

Despite their reputation for resilience, optimism and agility, most family businesses have been under significant pressure to respond to the general health, safety, and welfare challenges introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the operational disruptions to their business. This series explores how the same traits that set family businesses apart are creating authentic opportunities for resilience, growth, and recovery.


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Family business challenges

Few family businesses survive into the third and fourth generations, and oftentimes the culprit is misalignment between the goals, wants, and needs of the business and individual family members.

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Global Family Business Survey 2019

Deloitte’s fifth annual global family business survey reports on the views of almost 800 family business leaders, and explores how family-owned businesses can achieve the right balance between the short and the long term—in the context of the unique family, marketplace and sociocultural dynamics that characterise the family enterprise.


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Key contacts

Andreas Bodenmann

Andreas Bodenmann


Andreas is Partner of Deloitte’s Audit & Assurance practice and a leading Deloitte Private in Switzerland. With more than 20 years in the profession, Andreas has gained comprehensive experience in lea... More

Christophe Aebi

Christophe Aebi


Christophe is in charge of the privately held and family business segment at Deloitte. He is an audit Partner at Deloitte with over 20 years of experience auditing national and international companies... More

Ferdinando Mercuri

Ferdinando Mercuri


Ferdinando has over 22 years of professional experience in providing tax advice to Swiss and international individuals and businesses. Ferdinando advises individuals on wealth and estate planning, and... More