
Infrastructure, Transport & Regional Government

We help governments meet the unique challenges presented by infrastructure and transport in a time of rapidly advancing technology and consumer demand. With public institutions under increased pressure to deliver sustainable, accessible solutions, the need for new thinking is more critical than ever.

Kontakt oss

Jesper Kamstrup-Holm

Jesper Kamstrup-Holm

Partner, GPS Industry Leader

Jesper Kamstrup-Holm is a Denmark-based partner and has spent 13 years at Deloitte advising IT managers and CIOs. During this time, Kamstrup-Holm has specialized in working with large public instituti... Mere

Jørund Vollan

Jørund Vollan


Jørund har jobbet med effektivisering og forbedringsprogrammer i 15 år, og leder Deloittes Operations-praksis på ca. 65 konsulenter med spesialisering innenfor kontinuerlig forbedring, lønnsomhetsforb... Mere

Svein-Tore Kristiansen

Svein-Tore Kristiansen


Svein-Tore has over 20 years of experience as a consultant and researcher. In recent years, he has assisted a number of public sector organization with analyses, organizational development, design, an... Mere

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