During the past year, we released and launched our eleventh report
The public sector – the welfare state’s jewel? We also launched and released our twelfth report The young generation: from school, screens, and stress to the hope of the future. This was launched at a packed conference at the Deloitte House.
In both cases, our reports landed at an important time, helping to contextualise and lend a solid evidence base to important societal discussions. The public sector plays a large role in Denmark, and the Danish welfare state is world-renowned, but it also faces challenges from demographic headwinds and low productivity. Our report sets these challenges out and offers ways forward for policymakers.
At the same time, wellbeing amongst Denmark’s youth remains a hot topic, with an increasing number of young people suffering from stress or other challenges. Our report contextualises the scale of this problem, and provides an action plan, put together with experts in the field, to improve the situation. The report also engages with the discussion on educational pathways, and offers recommendations and key findings here.