
Compliance, etik og kontroller

Bestyrelsen skal sikre den rette ”tone-at-the-top”

En faktor, der ofte nævnes som grund til svigt i virksomheders ledelse, er en dårlig eller manglende ”tone-at-the-top”. Det er afgørende, at bestyrelserne sikrer den rette ”tone-at-the-top”, herunder tilser, at virksomhederne har etableret et passende compliance og etikberedskab.

”Compliance” er et samlebegreb for virksomhedernes overholdelse af love og regulatoriske krav i bred forstand, såvel som egen etablerede retningslinjer, herunder etiske. Således vil corporate compliance indbefatte en bred vifte af emner såsom eksempelvis code of conduct, anti-korruption, besvigelser, datasikkerhed og -håndtering, cyber security, handelsregler, konkurrenceregler, sikkerhed og miljø, børsregler, skat og regnskabsregler, samt mandater og autorisationer i virksomheden i øvrigt.

Compliance handler for virksomhederne reelt om styring af en række operationelle risici, som kan have væsentlige økonomiske konsekvenser og væsentlig negativ indvirkning på virksomhedernes omdømme.

Oftest vil kvaliteten i virksomhedernes compliance beredskab afhænge af, at der er implementeret hensigtsmæssige procedurer og kontroller, samt at virksomhedernes risikostyring i øvrigt tager behørigt hensyn til disse risici.


Bestyrelsen har en central rolle ikke bare i forhold til at etablere ”tone-at-the-top”, men også i at overvåge virksomhedens styring af compliance-relaterede risici, herunder tilstrækkeligheden af procedurer og kontroller, som findes i virksomhederne. I praksis vil en stor del af dette arbejde ofte foregå i revisionsudvalget.


Download publikationer og værktøjer vedrørende compliance, etik og kontroller her på siden.

Building world-class ethics and compliance programs: Five ingredients to meet global expectations
Risk is not only something to be minimized or avoided, but it can also create value and drive business performance. Establishing a world-class ethics and compliance program requires five core ingredients: Tone at the top, Corporate culture, Compliance risk assessments, The Chief Compliance Officer, and Testing and monitoring. These ingredients are essential for organizations to maintain their reputation and avoid regulatory scrutiny. 

Building world-class ethics and compliance programs Five ingredients to meet global expectations

Ethics and compliance program
Ethics and compliance programs are essential for evaluating and mitigating noncompliance and fraud risks, improving operations, and protecting company reputations. An organization’s global ethics and compliance program can be based on a number of internationally-recognized guidelines and encompasses both operational ethical compliance and risks of legal and regulatory compliance.

Ethics and compliance program

Compliance risk assessments: The third ingredient in a world-class ethics and compliance program
To understand an Organization’s risk exposure, it may need to improve its risk assessment process to fully incorporate compliance risk exposure. A good ethics and compliance risk assessment includes both a comprehensive framework and a methodology for evaluating and prioritizing risk. 

Compliance risk assessments The third ingredient in a world-class ethics and compliance program

On the board’s agenda | US Board oversight of corporate compliance: Is it time for a refresh?
A board of director’s fiduciary duties include establishing that management has an effective corporate compliance program in place, exercising oversight of that program, and taking regular steps to stay informed of the program’s content and operation. 

On the board’s agenda | US Board oversight of corporate compliance: Is it time for a refresh?

Who’s in charge: The audit committee’s role in ethics and compliance

The audit committee has extensive responsibilities other than those associated with compliance and ethics. The audit committee should consider its oversight of ethics and compliance in the context of the company’s existing risk profile. It is important that they view their ethics and compliance responsibilities holistically.

Who’s in charge: The audit committee’s role in ethics and compliance oversight

Boards: Understand the Rules for Ethics and Compliance Oversight
Executives, boards, and audit committees have special responsibilities for the oversight of ethics and compliance programs, and there are numerous rules set by regulators that are critical for them to understand. Audit committees should consider various questions to assist in carrying out their responsibility to oversee ethics and compliance.

Boards: Understand the Rules for Ethics and Compliance Oversight

Artificial intelligence and ethics: An emerging area of board oversight responsibility  
The board of directors has oversight responsibility for strategy and risk, and AI ethics oversight by the board is necessary. AI poses risks as well as benefits, and companies must learn how to identify and manage AI risks effectively. 

Artificial intelligence and ethics: An emerging area of board oversight responsibility

Organizational Culture: Recognizing signs of a toxic culture
Boards are increasing their oversight of organizational culture due to the financial and reputational impacts of business failures. Boards and senior management must set the appropriate “tone at the top” and ensure that the values and beliefs of the organization’s culture are upheld throughout the organization. 

Organizational Culture: Recognizing signs of a toxic culture
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