
Catalysts for change


Philanthropic and commercial foundations have a crucial role to play in implementing the 17 global goals by placing them at the center of their strategy, partnerships and philanthropic distribution policy.

Breaking down silos

Foundations are stronger positioned than many other actors to be the point of intersection for collaboration between business, public institutions and civil society on projects addressing the global goals. In working to achieve the SDG’s, foundations can be instrumental in breaking down silos and bringing the necessary expertise and capital to the table.

How Deloitte can help

In Deloitte, we encourage organizations to fulfill their role in solving persistent problems through aligned action. To this end, Deloitte helps clients with thinking in new ways and in new partnerships.

Deloitte facilitates Strategy Labs for the Board and the management looking at future trends and opportunities. We help client with conducting 360 degree evaluations to understand the impact of their strategy, define their strategic priorities and future course.

Danish foundations are perfectly placed for impact

Danish private foundations are in the middle of a great shift. Recent years have seen growth in the private foundations’ resources, and combined with a political environment with tighter public budgets, the foundations now look into a new strategic space with new levers for societal impact.

Adding to this, they are strongly committed to create value for society and with their long-term perspective; they have the freedom to experiment, where others will not take the risk. More and more, we see Danish foundations breaking down silos and taking on this role as proactive change-maker and increasingly, they use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a common guideline for their philanthropic work.

Monitor Deloitte’s 2018 trend report on Danish foundations’ philanthropic activities shows that 46 percent of Danish foundations focus on the SDGs either directly or indirectly through their active ownership. 12 percent of the foundations focus indirectly on the SDGs as part of their foundation strategy.

Download the report here

Helena Barton

Helena Barton

Partner & Climate & Sustainability Leader

Helena Barton is a Partner and anthropologist with 20 years’ international experience in helping organizations make good strategic decisions with complex environmental, social and governance (ESG) ris... Mere

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