As in our previous lecture in November 2020, we will shed light on the post-Brexit situation in the upcoming webcast.
Some time has passed since the United Kingdom left the EU, i.e. in February 2020. Unfortunately, in the meantime not all open questions could be clarified.
Issues much discussed in the press, such as the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which formally came into force on 1st May 2021, have left many people wondering what the future basis of relations between the EU and the UK will be.
Our speakers will give you their assessment of the current situation and will focus primarily on topics relating to the Financial Services Industry, while also touching on non-financial services topics.
You are invited to join us virtually, as we discuss the Brexit-related future of Europe and the challenges and opportunities of this phase of Brexit.
We are once again very pleased to present this year's Brexit Lecture, organized in co-operation with the Institute for Law and Finance at Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.
As in our previous Brexit Lectures, we would like to look at Brexit issues from different angles: Political, Economic, Legal, and Regulatory Policy. These themes will be discussed in detail from the perspectives of various stakeholders.
This time, we are also proud to announce that we have been able to attract not just well-known Brexit Experts but also in person of Prof. Dr. Kämmerer the author of the recently published book "Brexit. Legal and Economic Aspects of a Political Divorce", which will be presented by him.
Our speakers will cover a wide range of topics including the challenges and opportunities for financial services firms operating in the UK and EU, the legal and economic aspects of Brexit and the ongoing debate concerning Scottish independence. Additionally we will deal with questions of general interest.
Our confirmed speakers and topics are:
- UK Inbound: PRA’s and FCA’s approaches to international firms setting up regulated entities in the UK
David Strachan, Partner, Deloitte LLP - How Brexit changes the game in Frankfurt and how can Frankfurt change the game in Europe?
Dr. Andreas Prechtel, Managing Director, Association of Foreign Banks - Book Presentation: Brexit. Legal and Economic Aspects of a Political Divorce
Prof. Dr. Jörn Axel Kämmerer, Bucerius Law School Hamburg, Secretary General of the Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE) - Scexit? Possibilities and Consequences of a Scottish Independence
Prof. Dr. Alexander Thiele, Professor, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
After each speech, which will take approximately 20 minutes, there will be time for discussion.
The presentations will be delivered in English. The Chatham House Rules will apply to this lecture.
WebEx webcast – After registration, you will receive your access data two days before the event and, once again, shortly before the start of the event.
Thursday, 24th June 2021
Lecture start: 4.00 p.m. (s.t.)
Add to calendar
For any questions pertaining to the event, please contact Hannah Passon, Tel: +49 69 719 1884 60.
Your Contact

Dr. Mathias Hanten, M.B.L.-HSG (St. Gallen)
Dr. Mathias Hanten heads the German service line Banking & Finance. He focuses on advice in financial services and regulatory law. His clients are institutions in Germany, EEA, and third countries. With regard to regulatory law, Mathias deals with ownership control, licensing questions, European passport issues and matters with regard to SRM, SSM, CRD IV/V, AIFMD, AML, MiFID II and related matters. Mathias is a frequently recommended lawyer in banking law with JUVE. He is a frequent lecturer at universities (especially Frankfurt, Freiburg, Tübingen, St. Gallen and Academy of European Law, Trier) and professional associations such as the Association of Foreign Banks in Germany. He is co-editor of the journal "Recht der Zahlungsdienste" (Law of Payment Services).

Dr. Alexander Börsch
Alexander Boersch is chief economist and a director (research) at Deloitte Germany. In his research, he focuses on European and German economics, the development of the digital economy as well as on demographic and globalization trends.