6 Jun.

EMEA Dbriefs Legal

Digital Nomads – A New Challenge

Thursday, 01:00 p.m.  CET | 1 hr
Event language: English

Thursday, 6 June 2024 | 13.00 CET



The HR environment is facing new challenges and new needs. One of the most potent trends impacting the way businesses operate relates to a growing group of workers who embrace a location-independent, technology-enabled lifestyle that allows them to travel and work anywhere in the internet-connected world. As a result, there is increasing interest for organisations to put in place formal policies and programmes. Our panel of international speakers from the UK, Italy and Spain will report on the situation in their countries and we will also hear from an external speaker on their experiences. What does your organisation need to consider to compete in the war for talent? We’ll discuss:

  • The areas of interest in employment law, tax, immigration and social security to mitigate associated risks.
  • The experiences of a client in implementing and managing solutions.

Find out more about this changing environment.

Melden Sie sich hier für unseren EMEA Dbriefs-Webcast in englischer Sprache an.

Your Contact

Klaus Heeke

Klaus Heeke

Partner | Lead Employment Law

Klaus has been a partner in the Düsseldorf office of Deloitte Legal's German practice since joining in 2010. He heads both the employment law practice in the Düsseldorf office and the Employment Law & Benefits service line in Germany. Klaus has more than 20 years of experience in all areas of German employment law. He represents - out of court and in court - the legal interests of both domestic and internationally operating companies in connection with all issues relating to the relationship between employer and (i) employees on the one hand and (ii) works councils/trade unions on the other hand. Klaus has many years of expertise with regard to restructuring measures motivated by employment law and the support and implementation of M&A transactions. In doing so, he advises both medium-sized companies and large internationally operating groups.

Thursday, 6 Jun 2024 01:00 p.m. CET
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