In our Deloitte Legal Update Webcast on May 22, 2024, we will look at the concept of “Banking as a Service” (“BaaS”). This involves not just a legal term, but a unique and peculiar legal relationship between licensed entities, service providers and end customers.
BaaS is becoming increasingly important for both FinTech companies and established credit institutions. It appears to be less of a buzz word and more of a (r)evolution in the financial world. BaaS enables third-party providers to access the banking infrastructure via seamless API integration.
The BaaS model enables financial institutions to use third-party digital services and infrastructures to expand their product range and respond more flexibly to changing customer needs. On the other hand, it also opens up business opportunities for non-licensed service providers in the financial services market. European and national supervisory authorities have an important role to play in regulating and supervising these developments. Legislators could also be called upon to act.
In our webcast, we examine whether and to what extent the current legal framework takes BaaS into account and take a look at some exciting recent developments.
Our experts Dr. Mathias Hanten (Partner Deloitte Legal) and Andreas Reuß (Partner Deloitte Consulting) will focus in particular on the following topics:
- Platforms as a megatrend
- Legal bases in the EEA and in Europe
- Outsourcing as a “Jack of all Trades”?
Following their presentations, the speakers will be available to answer your questions in a Q&A session - you are welcome to submit your questions for the Q&A section when you register.
Webcast in German language – please feel free to contact our experts for explanations in English language.
For organizational questions, please contact
Sabine Sander-Schweden
Tel: +49 40 37853831
E-Mail: ssander-schweden@deloitte.de
Your Contact

Andreas Reuß
Andreas Reuß ist Partner im Bereich Banking Operations und arbeitet seit 20 Jahren im Segment Financial Service. Er verfügt über umfangreiche Beratungserfahrung und hat durch die erfolgreiche Bearbeitung von komplexen Herausforderungen im Bereich Strategie-, Management-, Organisationsberatung seine Expertise aufgebaut.

Dr. Mathias Hanten, M.B.L.-HSG (St. Gallen)
Dr. Mathias Hanten heads the German service line Banking & Finance. He focuses on advice in financial services and regulatory law. His clients are institutions in Germany, EEA, and third countries. With regard to regulatory law, Mathias deals with ownership control, licensing questions, European passport issues and matters with regard to SRM, SSM, CRD IV/V, AIFMD, AML, MiFID II and related matters. Mathias is a frequently recommended lawyer in banking law with JUVE. He is a frequent lecturer at universities (especially Frankfurt, Freiburg, Tübingen, St. Gallen and Academy of European Law, Trier) and professional associations such as the Association of Foreign Banks in Germany. He is co-editor of the journal "Recht der Zahlungsdienste" (Law of Payment Services).