Advancing digitalization, mobile working and the ever-increasing exchange via digital platforms and tools require the continuous expansion of existing IT systems and the introduction of new ones.
The productive use of expanded or new IT systems is often preceded by a comprehensive selection and preparation phase lasting several months or even years, during which companies are regularly supported by external implementation partners. In our webcast, our implementation experts from Deloitte Consulting will explain how this phase can be structured in order to contribute to a smooth transition to productive operation. They will provide practical examples - including the do's and don'ts from the perspective of the implementation partner.
If employee representative bodies exist in the company or group concerned, it must be ensured that the rights of the relevant representative bodies are safeguarded and that they are fully involved in the processes at an early stage. In our webcast, we explain the scope of the relevant co-determination/participation rights - particularly in the phase before go-live, i.e. before productive use - and the resulting obligations of the employer. We also show how projects can be designed in compliance with employment law and what we believe can help to win the support of employee committees.
Finally, companies must keep an eye on data protection regulations when implementing IT systems. In our webcast, we explain the current data protection requirements for companies, in particular those arising from the General Data Protection Regulation and the Federal Data Protection Act. We will place a special focus on the data protection challenges in the implementation phase and with regard to data transfer to other group companies/within the group of companies.
In summary, our experts Jan Rudolph (Counsel Deloitte Legal), Anna Mafalda Bock (Senior Associate Deloitte Legal) and Pascal Terwedow (Manager Deloitte Consulting) will address the following topics during the webcast:
- Successful implementation of IT systems from the perspective of the implementation partner - practical experience, do's & don'ts
- Best practice in winning over employee representative bodies as supporters for the implementation of IT systems
- Ensuring data protection-compliant implementation of IT systems in companies, with a particular focus on data transfer within corporate groups.
Following their technical presentations, the speakers will be available for a Q&A session. You are welcome to submit your questions for the Q&A session as part of your registration.
Webcast in German language – please feel free to contact our experts for explanations in English language.
For organizational questions, please contact
Sabine Sander-Schweden
Tel: +49 40 37853831
E-Mail: ssander-schweden@deloitte.de