
Energy law issues in times of COVID-19

The corona crisis can lead to the fact that certain deadlines and regulations for relief, e.g. within the framework of the Renewable Energy Sources Act, can objectively no longer be met or on-site inspections as part of an energy audit cannot be carried out. We have compiled the most important information for companies.

The Federal Network Agency ("BNetzA"), the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control ("BAFA") and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy ("BMWi") have published "corona information" on their websites in the last few weeks. Furthermore, they have announced that they will be lenient towards companies, refrain from spot checks or avoid undue hardship. A precondition for granting leniency is that companies can demonstrate in individual cases that they were unable to meet a deadline, make an application or make a payment due to the corona crisis.

We have compiled the most important announcements in our working paper (download).

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