Posted: 22 Dec. 2023 3 min. read

Helping Farmers Harvest Mandarins and Boosting Well-Being in Society

Report on Impact Month

The program, organized by a group outside of Deloitte Tohmatsu Group, is designed to “boost well-being through interacting with agricultural businesses, a sector that is fundamental to Japan.” Agreeing with the aspiration of the leader of this group, Deloitte Tohmatsu offices in Chukyo area decided to organize a tour during Impact Month.

Report on “workcation” while harvesting mandarins

Organizer: Kentaro Nishimura, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC / Project New Normal member

Overview of the Program and Intention

Held on Saturday7 and Monday 9, October , 10 people participated. 

Volunteers organized a visit to mandarin farmers in Mihama, Mie Prefecture, to lend a hand with their harvesting. The program, organized by a group outside of Deloitte Tohmatsu Group, is designed to “boost well-being through interacting with agricultural businesses, a sector that is fundamental to Japan.” Agreeing with the aspiration of the leader of this group, Deloitte Tohmatsu offices in Chukyo area decided to organize a tour during Impact Month. 

Results and Going Forward

Over two days, a total of 10 members worked with farmers picking fruits, while, thanks to the generosity of the farmers, enjoying the taste of the freshest harvest in a vast field of mandarin. While it took some time to become familiar with the method, especially with a specific focus on cutting stems twice, volunteers gradually mastered the harvesting technique and enjoyed a refreshing, almost meditative, experience of harvesting fruits under the blue sky. The harvesting and small talk in the field helped foster communications among members who would otherwise not interact with each other at work. Working directly with farmers, who we have little contact with in daily life, was inspiring, both mentally and physically.

Participants’ Comments

  • The program exposed us to the reality of farmers, for example, labor shortage challenges and how they envision the future of agriculture.
  • The experience opened our eyes to the hard work and effort put into the food we consume everyday - one that we easily take for granted and taught us how lucky we are to lead the life we have now.
  • The program helped me focus on the harvesting and forget the trivialities of daily life. I had a great sense of joy and achievement seeing the fruits piling up.
  • Learning that large corporations are getting into the agricultural business and running it in an efficient manner by investing capital, the program helped me think how the future of farming should be.

Motif of “Our Well-being Society”
Motif of “Our Well-being Society”