Deloitte Tohmatsu Group Ethics & Integrity

Deloitte Tohmatsu Group makes an impact that matters- for clients, for our people, and  for society. Every one of Deloitte Partners and employee consider how to carry out ethics-based actions with integrity and take ethical leadership roles every day.


・What Ethics & Integrity means to us 
・Purpose of Ethics & Integrity
・How to embody Ethics & Integrity
・Articles and events

Ethics Tree

This image is called  "Ethics Tree", which symbolizes Ethics and  used throughout Deloitte Tohmatsu Group globally . The root of "Ethics Tree" represents Ethics & Integrity of Deloitte Tohmatsu Group. The leaves grow lushly and flourish for a long time because of the support of its roots that are strongly stretched across the earth.


■ Iniciatives to understand the status and challenges

  • Ethics Survey
    In order to examine the organizational culture related to Ethics & Integrity, we conduct anual "Ethics Survey" for all Deloitte Partners and employees, and based on the analysis of the results, we launch new measures every year.
  • Reporting Channel
    We have both internal and external reporting channels.
    Deloitte Speak Up

■Iniciatives to enhance ethics culture

  • Declaration of Behavioral Change
    In order to foster company culture, each business unit leader expresses his/her plan of action for change in each organization.
  • Shared Values Award
    Awards for members who embody the five Shared Values in Deloitte Tohmatsu Group.
  • Ethical Culture Change Discussion(ECCD training)
    Discuss  Ethical dilemmas across bisiness units and positions for further understanding.
  • Focus Group Discussion
    Discuss and share ideas on Ethics with members in same position within the business unit to encourage communication in the environment where the psychological safety is ensued.
  • Ethics Newsletter
    Provide a wide range of information on Ethics to all Deloitte Partners and employees.

■ Ethics Culture Sharing

  • Information on past events and interviews are available in the Articles section below.