About us

DT GTA & Technologies Co., Ltd.

DT GTA & Technologies Co., Ltd. provide a wide range of services to solve businesses trade related issues and challenges.

How DT GTA & Technologies Co., Ltd. can help

With respect to customs duties, customs valuation and tariff classification have been issues of focus for customs authorities over the years, and they remain issues that plague many businesses. However, in recent years, triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for businesses to address the following issues has rapidly increased:

1) compliance with legal and regulatory reforms
2) business process optimization; and
3) resolution of various issues related to international logistics and supply chains.

Although these may seem like different issues at first, a further look reveals not only similarities but also that the issues are intertwined. As such, a solution to any of these should be comprehensive and multifaceted.

DT GTA & Technologies Co., Ltd. serves as a centralized advisory hub for trade and international logistics businesses and can assist businesses in overcoming the issues discussed above.

Particularly for supply chains, which connect upstream to downstream and Japan to overseas, problem-solving must take into consideration the entire supply chain. DT GTA & Technologies Co., Ltd. not only understands the bigger picture but also provides support on digital transformation (DX) and data integration/utilization to the trade and logistics industry.

Additionally, DT GTA & Technologies Co., Ltd. supports initiatives promoted by the Japanese government and local regions, such as encouraging the export of Japanese products, establishing manufacturing facilities in Japan by utilising bonded areas, and organizing bonded auctions to improve the attractiveness of the market in Japan and its regional areas.

Corporate Profile

Company Name
DT GTA & Technologies Co., Ltd.
April 2023
President and Representative Director
Koji Makino
Yurakucho Denki Building, 1-7-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006
Corporate History April 2023  Establishment of the company as DT Global Trade Bureau Co., Ltd.
September 2024  The company name change to DT GTA & Technologies Co., Ltd. to reflect the business expansion

DT GTA & Technologies Co., Ltd’s. service offerings

“Japan Customs Regulations Related Services”

  • Post-import audit support (amended declarations, customs valuation ruling, etc. )
    For businesses who have received a post-import audit notification from Japan Customs, or those that no longer wish to face additional charges as a result of post-import audit
  • Customs Procedure Agent service for non-resident importers (“importer” requirements/definitions)
  • Customs programs utilization services (AEO, bonded areas, etc.)
  • Export and import control compliance support

“International Trade and Commerce Related Services”

  • Environmental issues support
    For those businesses interested in learning more about carbon reduction measures (such as CBAM)
  • FTA/EPA utilization support
    For businesses considering the use of FTAs/EPA, or those who have concerns about the operation and implementation of FTAs/EPA.
  • Customs compliance health check
  • Anti-dumping duty related services (application and investigation response)

“Business Process Services”

  • Trade DX support (trade operation optimization)
    For those businesses who wish to streamline trade procedures; or
    are interested in digitalization and paperless trade processes; or
  • wish to utilize trade platforms like TradeWaltz, Cyber Port, or no-code tools like Kintone.
  • Support for promoting the export of Japanese products s (Municipalities)

“Digital Services”

  • Technology-enabled trade and customs advisory services (Trade Search / Trade Classifier / Trade Compass / Global Trade Optimization)
    For those businesses who want to streamline tariff classification and performance management using IT tools, or understand how to utilise FTAs/EPA instantly through IT.

For any other inquiries, please feel free to contact us directly through our inquiry form.