
CFO Webinar 2020 May

Cost optimization strategies for CFOs

The CFO Program for foreign companies in Japan held CFO Webinar "Cost optimization strategies for CFOs" on May 27th and 28th, 2020. It attracted approximately 50 participants and received high evaluation.

These are unprecedented times for all of us. CFOs as Business Partners have been asked to step in to help organizations manage the current situations given that they are custodians of valuable data and can provide the right analysis for Management to take decisions.

-Session Overview-

Jason Dess, who is a subject matter expert from Deloitte Canada, presented common approaches to cost-optimization in the current environment following the global impacts of COVID-19 and the pathway through the COVID-19 downturn from global perspective.

Japan perspective on cost optimization strategies was addressed by Pankaj Arjunwadkar, Partner of Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting. He discribed the framework of Indirect/Direct Cost and shared case studies of a multinational consumer goods company in Japan regarding how they manage the situation through a structured cost optimization program and their direct impact on top line and bottom line of the business.

Erik Almadrones, Partner of Monitor Deloitte presented "The Future of Work and Technology Cost Transformation". He indicates The Future of Work accelerated by COVID-19 leads to the improvement of labor productivities and the investment in more efficient ways of working. Case studies of IT transformation improving service delivery effectiveness and cost reduction were shared.

(PDF, 2.7MB)


Date: 27th & 28th, May, 2020

Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


  1. Global perspective on Cost optimization strategies
    • Jason Dess / Partner, Global Finance Performance practice lead based in Canada
  2. Japan perspective on Cost optimization strategies
    • Pankaj Arjunwadkar / Partner, Finance and Performance based in Japan
  3. IT cost Optimization strategy - Global and Japan perspectives
    • Erik Almadrones / Partner, Strategy, Analytics and Cognitive, Monitor Deloitte


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