
Finance Leaders Summit 2019 

Conference Summary Report 

Deloitte Tohmatsu Group held Finance Leaders Summit 2019 which has been restructured from CFO Vision that had been held from 2013 to 2018. The theme was "Winning in a Disruptive World". Together with CFOs and executives of Finance and Accounting Department, we discussed how Japanese leading companies could win amid the repeated “creative destruction”.

ー Finance Leaders Summit 2019 Overview ー

"Finance Leaders Summit" is a conference organized by Deloitte Tohmatsu Group where CFOs,  executives of Finance and Accounting Department and next generations of CFOs gather and discuss the future of corporate management from the viewpoint of what CFO should do about the universal theme of "sustainable growth".

The conference has been restructured from CFO Vision that had been held from 2013 to 2018. The first theme was set to  "Winning in a Disruptive World" and 97 people from 74 companies participated, and both the sessions and the reception were successful.

For the details of discussion at the conference, please go to Conference Summary Report at Diamond Harvard Business Review. Apologies in advance that the webpage is available only in Japanese. 



November 28th, 2019 at Palace Hotel Tokyo

Sessions: 3:00 pm - 5:30pm

Reception: 5:40pm - 7:00pm


3:00pm-3:10pm Opening

Takashi Nagata, Deloitte Tohmatsu Group CEO

3:10pm-4:00pm Keynote Session "A Foresight to the Innovation and Bring into Existence"

Professor Masaru Karube, Hitotsubashi University

4:00pm-5:30pm Talk Session

Mr. Yasumasa Yamamoto, Industry Partner, DNX Ventures
Mr. Ken Shibusawa, Executive Chairman / ESG Chief Executive, Commons Asset Management Inc
Moderator: Mr. Ryo Otsubo, Editor in Chief DIAMOND Harvard Business Review

5:40pm-7:00pm Reception 



Professor Masaru Karube
Professor Masaru Karube

Hitotsubashi University

Mr. Yasumasa Yamamoto
Mr. Yasumasa Yamamoto

Industry Partner, DNX Ventures
Visiting Researcher, Harvard University

Mr. Ken Shibusawa
Mr. Ken Shibusawa

Executive Chairman / ESG Chief Executive, Commons Asset Management Inc.
CEO, Shibusawa and Company, Inc.

Professor Masaru Karube

Hitotsubashi University

2018.04- Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University
2017.04- Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
2007.04-2017.03 Associate Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
2002.04-2007.03 Assistant Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University

Mr. Yasumasa Yamamoto

Industry Partner, DNX Ventures
Visiting Researcher, Harvard University

Mr. Yamamoto holds a master's degree from the University of Tokyo, worked for the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi in New York. After earning a master of science degree from Harvard University, he joined Google and responsible for promoting the use of fintech, AI and other digital technologies to Japanese companies. He was a managing director of Endeavor, a global entrepreneurial advocacy group, at its launch.
Today, as a venture capitalist at DNX Ventures, he invests in the business models of Japanese and overseas start-up companies.

渋澤 健 氏

Executive Chairman / ESG Chief Executive, Commons Asset Management Inc.
CEO, Shibusawa and Company, Inc.

After earning an MBA in the U.S., Mr. Shibusawa moved his career into the financial industry. He served a head of a major U.S. hedge fund in Japan after his experiences in dealing with Japanese government bonds and foreign exchange at a foreign financial institution. He founded Commons Asset Management Co., Ltd. in 2007 and became its chairman in 2008.
He is the fifth descendant of Eiichi SHIBUSAWA, the father of capitalism in Japan.

CFO's Trusted Advisors

Deloitte Tohmatsu Group is developing services that support CFOs facing various challenges and aim to contribute to capacity building of finance organizations.Our ultimate goal is to become a "trusted advisor" for CFOs by providing advanced knowledge and networking opportunities as a professional farm globally deployed.

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CFO Program
The CFO program is a comprehensive project by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Group, globally deployed and locally taking root, which aims to support CFOs faced with various challenges. The Program offers strategic workshop opportunity, seminars, and reception events at free of charge specially for CFOs.The Program is dedicated as opportunities for CFOs to think ahead as strategists of their enterprises. 

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