
Key updates on e-Business visa

Global Tax Update : March 2019 / India

With a view to support and facilitate business movements, e-business visa norms have been further relaxed. The new norms now provide for higher visa validity, continuous stay up to 180 days and multiple entry into India.

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This newsletter explains the following topics;

  1. Key updates on e-Business visa
  2. Ministry of Commerce and Industry proposes relaxation of conditions for eligible start-ups to claim benefit
  3. Significant Beneficial Ownership – Lifting of corporate veil!
  4. Goods and Service tax (GST) updates



(294KB, PDF)

* This Article is based on the relevant Japanese or specific country’s tax law and other authorities in effect on the date of this Article. This Article would not be guaranteed updating if there are any changes in Japanese tax law, any other law, or interpretations by the courts or tax authorities thereof after the date of this Article.

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