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毎年11月25日は「女性に対する暴力撤廃の国際デー」であり、この日にデロイト トーマツはWebinar「なぜ今、企業がDV被害者サポートに取り組むのかー人材のウェルビーイングとダイバーシティから考えるドメスティック/ファミリーバイオレンス(DFV)サポート」を開催した。今、何が起きていて、企業がなぜDVに対して向き合う必要があるのかをレポートする。



右上より時計回り、デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング合同会社:パートナー 大久保 理絵、一般財団法人デロイト トーマツ ウェルビーイング財団:代表理事 吉川 玄徳、一般社団法人 社会的包摂サポートセンター:事務局長 遠藤 智子、特定非営利活動法人 全国女性シェルターネット:代表理事 北仲 千里




「一言に暴力といっても、身体的・性的・心理的・経済的・社会的孤立・不利益など様々な形があります。また一つではなく複数、あるいは全部というケースもあります。そうなると何が起きるか? 『支配とコントロール』すなわち洗脳です。被害者を徹底的に追い詰め、被害者の気力や自己決定を奪っていきます。殴る蹴るなどの身体的暴力だけでなく、行動の監視や束縛など……追い詰めていく加害行為は目を覆いたくなるようなものばかりです」









デロイト トーマツ ウェルビーイング財団の吉川玄徳代表理事は「コロナ禍によって『公』と『私』の境界が混ざり合うようになっている今だからこそ、国や企業も個人レベルに目を向けていくべきではないでしょうか」と話す。

個人レベルに目を向けるとは何か? デロイト トーマツ コンサルティングのパートナー、DEIリーダーの、大久保理絵も、吉川の後を続ける。


私たちグループ全体の重要経営戦略の一つとしてDiversity, Equity & Inclusion(DEI)を掲げています。目指すのは誰もが安心・安全な環境で自分らしく働き、成長し、最大のパフォーマンスを発揮できる環境です。この環境がPersonal Well-beingの向上を実現し、Well-being社会構築の基盤となります」

この図は、デロイトの考える3つのWell-beingだ。3つの円は相似形で下のPersonal Well-beingがシュリンクすれば他もシュリンクしてしまう。逆に拡大すれば3つとも拡大していく考えだ。吉川も大久保もだからこそ、Personal(個人) Well-beingの向上が重要と説く。


大久保が解説した「Domestic Family Violence被害サポートスキーム」は下図にあるように、配偶者やパートナー以外にも「Family」によるあらゆる暴力の被害を想定し、専門機関と連携したサポートと特別休暇で心身の安全を確保し、自立・再起につなぐ体制を整備している。緊急避難場所は100カ所以上用意されているという。

社会的包摂サポートセンター 遠藤智子事務局長は「行政がまだ対応できていないところを、企業が対応していくことに私は本当に驚いたし、うれしかった」と話し、「コロナ禍でDV相談にも変化があり、特に加害者との家にいる時間が長くなったことが問題。例えば在宅勤務の間に女性が自宅でDVを受けているかもしれない。しかしテレワークだと家庭外の人間にはその状況が見えづらい。だからこそ会社や職場のサポートは本当に大切です」と続ける。





大久保は「今回、サポートスキームを実施して驚いたのは想定以上に相談件数が多いことです。私たちはDV被害者をどこか別のところにいる存在とバイアスを持っていなかったか? 私の周辺にもそれは確かに存在して、しかもそれを誰にも言えず苦しんでいる人がいるのではないか? バイアスから脱却することで、働く人の考え方が変わり、それが職場の環境、企業の姿勢の変化につながり、行政にも届くのではないかと考えています」。


デロイト トーマツ グループの永田高士CEOは「経済一辺倒から経済価値と社会価値の双方が求められる時代へと変わり、企業や経営者に期待されることも大きく変わってきた」と話し、次のように道筋を示した。

デロイト トーマツ グループ CEO 永田 高士



デロイト トーマツ グループのDiversity, Equity & Inclusion
相互の共感と信頼の構築: Ethics & Integrityのカルチャーの醸成


Record-breaking number of DV victims and why companies should provide support

During COVID-19, the boundary between “work” and “personal” life became less clear

COVID-19 has changed the way we all live and work. Many of us started working from home, not just at our offices. This has blurred the boundary between “work” and “personal” life.

Change can be positive and negative. One of the negatives of working from home was the increase of domestic violence (DV). According to the Cabinet Office, the number of DV related consultations has increased by 1.6 times, and 90% came from women. DV related consultations and reports to police have also been rising for the past 17 years.

November 25 is “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women,” and Deloitte Tohmatsu Group hosted a webinar, “Why Companies Should Support Domestic Violence Victims Now – Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) support from personal Well-being and Diversity perspectives”. We are reporting what is happening now and why companies should provide support to DV victims.

Domestic Violence (DV) is taking “power and control”

“Domestic Violence” (DV) is defined as abuse over spouses and intimate partners. Abuse from parents to children or abuse between other family members are not technically defined as DV. It is limited to very specific cases, but the number of victims has been on the rise.
One of the panelists at the webinar, Chisato Kitanaka from All Japan Women’s Shelter Network stressed this point.

Clockwise from upper right, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting: Partner, Rie Okubo, Deloitte Tohmatsu Well-being Foundation: CEO, Gentoku Yoshikawa, Social Inclusion Support Center: Director General, Tomoko Endo, All Japan Women’s Shelter Network: Representative Director, Chisato Kitanaka

“Many think DV has nothing to do with them but looking at the numbers tells you that they are all around you. Lives of many women are ruined because of DV. This is a social issue we all need to work on so that everyone can stay safe and well”.

The “Istanbul Convention”, which has been ratified by over 30 countries including France, Belgium, and Sweden etc. defines DV including emotional abuse as a crime or subject to punishments and all victims have rights to have specialized support by experts. International Labor Organization (ILO) has adapted “Convention Concerning the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work”. It states that member countries are responsible “to promote a general environment of zero tolerance to violence and harassment”. It also brings attention to the possibility that DV may influence the world of work.

※“Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence”

“When you say violence/abuse, it varies from physical, sexual, psychological, financial, to social isolation/disadvantage and even more. It could be not just one, but all of them combined. What happens then? ‘Power and Control.’ You get brainwashed. Victims are threatened, and they lose control and energy. Not only physical abuse such as hitting and kicking, but also stalking or restricting… I can not describe how abusers hurt victims…”

Kitanaka says that DV takes various forms, not just physical violence, but also emotional harassment, financial abuse such as forcing victims to go into debt, and sexual abuse such as refusing to use contraception. Current law in Japan, “Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims”(i.e. DV Prevention Law) only limits victims to those who have been physically hurt or threatened to death.

Not enough systems to support DV victims in Japan

“To help victims of DV, we need a support system based on their cry for help. However, Japan still does not have that yet.”

According to Kitanaka, there were about 120,000 consultation cases to the Support Center in 2020, but only 8,627 cases were reported to the police, which is less than one tenth.

“There are mainly two initiatives: 1) measures against abusers and 2) supporting victims. Listed are the measures against abusers defined around the world, but Japan only has very limited initiatives in blue.”

“Currently, there is no set rules on how to support victims such as securing protection from the abuser and using public shelters. It takes 13 days to have protective order issued.”

What can companies do when there are not enough legal protections while the number of DV cases are increasing?

Starting a movement from business for a big national change

Gentoku Yoshikawa, CEO of Deloitte Tohmatsu Well-being Foundation says “We, countries, companies, ourselves, should all look at our personal lives as COVID-19 blurred the boundary between ‘work’ and ‘personal’ lives.”

What does it mean to look at our personal lives? Rie Okubo, Partner of Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting follows.

“Companies can no longer treat this issue as ‘something personal’. For example, according to the Cabinet Office, about 1 in 4 persons has been physically hurt by their partner. This means that there are people around you who has experienced domestic violence. You may have a bias that you do not know any victims of DV. We should all be aware that it is very possible that your friend or colleague may be DV victims.

We position Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) as one of our key management strategies. We strive towards an environment where everyone feels safe as their authentic selves, grow, and demonstrate their fullest potential. This will ensure “Personal Well-being,” which is the foundation for building a Societal Well-being.”

This diagram shows three types of Well-being defined at Deloitte Tohmatsu Group. All three circles are connected. If “Personal Well-being” were to shrink, others will shrink. If it expands, others will expand as well. That is why ensuring “Personal Well-being” is the key, Yoshikawa and Okubo both agree.

“What matters is ’Equity’ instead of ‘Equality’ -which would provide equal support to all members, regardless of their differences, but ‘Equity’ takes our differences into consideration and provides equal opportunities. With this concept in mind, we have launched a support scheme to DV victims from June 2021 throughout our group.”

As Okubo explained, Deloitte Tohmatsu Group’s “Domestic Family Violence victims support scheme” supports victims of various forms of abuse from family members, not just intimate partners. It connects victims to specialized experts and supports, and secures safety by allowing extra time off, so that victims can get back on their feet. There are more than 100 shelters around Japan.

Tomoko Endo, Director General of Social Inclusion Support Center, said, “At first, I was very surprised to hear that business would provide support. This was great news. There has been a change during COVID-19. The issue is victims spend more time at home, with the abuser. Women could be facing DV while working from home. However, remote working makes it more difficult to find it out. That is why support at work is so important.”

What companies can do to make the space safe enough to speak up

The importance of companies providing support has been discussed, but how do we start?

Kitanaka said, “Having leaders who you can trust to consult, is very crucial. It is important to have a safe environment at work and understanding from the management.” Endo added, “Pointing out inappropriate behavior is also important. If others do not say anything, violence and harassment get worse and worse.”

Yoshikawa pointed out and stressed that anyone can be abusers or victims and it is important for individuals and companies to take actions. “We should be aware that we are in a state of emergency right now. Remote work made our home into our office, which influenced DV. You could say that boundary between ‘work’ and ‘personal’ life blurred and created more connection between victims and abusers. I swear never to be an abuser myself but the truth is that no one can be guaranteed that they will never become an abuser. That is why we should all change our mindset. As an organization, we should make it very clear that we do not tolerate any violence or harassment and that may work as a deterrent for abusers.”

Okubo said, “I was shocked to see that there are more consultations than expected. Maybe we had unconscious bias that DV victims are somewhere out there, not so close to us. We should be aware that there may be DV victims around us, and they may be suffering without their voices being heard. If we recognize the bias we have, we can change the way we think, which leads to the change in work environment, corporate mindset, and eventually bring it up to the government for a structural change.

Achieving both economic values and social impact

Takashi Nagata, CEO of Deloitte Tohmatsu Group noted, “There has been a huge transformation. We need to pursue not just economic values, but also social impact. What is expected of companies and management has changed.”

Deloitte TohmatsuGroup: CEO, Takashi Nagata

“Japan is behind in women empowerment compared to other countries. Gender parity is one of the most crucial management issues. DFV is something that needs to be solved urgently otherwise women empowerment and well-being cannot be achieved. Data shows that the number of DV cases is increasing in Japan during the COVID-19 crisis. There may be those who are suffering without other people knowing. We need to face these facts and take equitable actions. Deloitte Japan is working to achieve true ‘Well-being’ and an inclusive society.”

On November 29, 2021, it was reported that revised “Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims” is planned to be proposed at the Diet next year. “Protective orders” which forbids abusers to visit home or office of victims, will be expanded to include emotional abuse and sexual abuse. Initiatives by private sectors may bring it up to the government for a structural change.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Deloitte Tohmatsu Group

※The information on this page is as of the time of publication.