Performance Magazine - issue 35 ブックマークが追加されました
Performance Magazine - issue 35
May 2021
- Aegon Asset Management stepping up to the global challenge
Building a competitive investor - 投資運用プラットフォームプロバイダー(和訳)
Investment Management Platform Providers(原文) - Opportunity knocks
How global asset managers can win in China - A moving target: Refocusing risk and resiliency amidst continued uncertainty
Findings of Deloitte’s 12th global risk management survey - 自然言語を用いた投資アプローチ:A naturally intelligent approach to investing(和訳)
How AI technologies are improving man-machine communication with natural language processing(原文) - China isn’t emerging, it’s returning!
Claude Hellers of Fundbridge and private investor, David Baverez in discussion - India’s 2021 Budget
What’s in it for foreign portfolio investors? - 岐路に立つAIFMD(和訳)
AIFMD at a turning point(原文) - Breaking the silos
The journey towards shared meaning and organizational knowledge - 適正な費用と手数料が求められる世界で、透明性強化を高速で進める(和訳)
On the highway to transparency in a world of proper costs and charges(原文) - サステナビリティの開示に関するアップデート:An update on sustainability disclosure(和訳)
Did the investment industry pass the SFDR intermediary disclosure test?(原文)
資産運用プロフェッショナル向け時事情報誌 第35号(英語のみ)