Healthcare & Life Sciences M&A


Healthcare & Life Sciences M&A

Supporting you with unparalleled sector knowledge

Ongoing change has proven to be a constant factor in the healthcare & life sciences sector. Companies active in this sector are constantly challenged to find smart and innovative solutions to cope with changing patient needs and fuel medical progress. This environment requires a partner in corporate finance which is sector knowledgeable and well acquainted with the sector specifics and the latest developments.

Experts in Healthcare & Life Sciences transactions

Deloitte Financial Advisory’s Healthcare & life sciences team is the largest corporate finance player in this industry in the Netherlands. We are the specialist with unparalleled sector knowledge. As undisputed market leader, we possess valuable experience and have realized the highest number of transactions. In combination with our closely-knit network and market intelligence this leads to our unique ability to support our clients in realizing their ambitions in the healthcare and life sciences sector. We are determined to select the best options for our clients based on integrity and an open mind. This is how we achieve optimal results.

Shaping the future through M&A

Our dedicated Healthcare & Life Sciences M&A team in Amsterdam advises clients on divestures, fundraisings, joint-ventures and acquisitions. Deloitte Financial Advisory covers the entire healthcare & life sciences industry, including health care providers, suppliers of goods and services, healthcare IT, medical technology and pharma services. We also provide services with respect to validating strategic ambitions. As an established party in the sector we publish an annual sector research paper and several other pieces of eminence.

Local presence, global footprint

While based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we recognise that every deal can be different, and working alongside you, we draw on the wider global network of specialists that Deloitte offers, to match our approach to your context, and help you to realise your goals. Especially the Healthcare Life Sciences community within Deloitte is strongly organized though different service lines on a national level and though our international Healthcare & Life sciences CFA practice.  This result in  strong inroads with practically all relevant (international) financial and strategic buyers in the industry and allows us to find you the right partner to realise you ambitions.

Recent credentials

Private equity drives growth in number of acquisitions in healthcare and life sciences

The number of mergers and acquisitions in and around the Dutch Life Sciences and Healthcare sector continues to rise. In particular, the number of transactions by Private Equity parties, who are increasingly international, rose sharply in 2021. Private Equity parties and their portfolio companies now account for almost two-thirds of the total number of transactions.

Read all outcomes and more background information in the executive summary of the study on mergers and acquisitions in the life science and healthcare sector. You can access the full summary here or via the link on the right.

M&A in healthcare

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Meet the team

Connect to our team to learn how we can collaborate and deliver value to your organization.

Neil Lomax



Iris van Weel



Carwyn Reid

