Crisis Management


Crisis Management

Strategic & Reputation Risk

Dealing with incidents is part of doing business. Dealing with a major crisis, however, is different. A single mega event — or a combination of them — can threaten the very survival of an organisation. We are there for our clients in situations like these, offering advice and support wherever and whenever needed.

Your challenge

Today, your organisation operates in a more volatile risk environment than ever before. Cyber attacks, natural disasters, social unrest and international conflicts disrupt supply chains, incur severe financial and reputational damage and affect business continuity on a global scale.

A major crisis lays bare the readiness and responsiveness of an organisation, and tests its values, leadership and character at a time when there is no room for error. The consequences of such crises can be minimised by a proactive, quick and accurate response.

Resilient organisations are able to maintain continuous operation, and protect market share and reputation dealing with radical changes and its inherent and fundamental uncertainty.  

Our solution

We are there for our clients in crisis situations and offer a full suite of services in strategic resilience and crisis management. In addition, we offer programs for our clients to get their people, systems, structures and leaders ‘crisis ready’.

Deloitte’s crisis management approach is designed to help clients stay ahead of growing threats caused by major crisis events. Our approach begins by identifying and preparing for strategic risks, and spans a broad portfolio of offerings, including monitoring, simulations, response and communications. We offer one integrated system, ready for clients in need.

As pioneers, innovators and thought leaders in crisis management, we offer a full suite of services in strategic crisis preparedness and crisis response. Our crisis management support includes:

  • Crisis preparedness services, including assessments, advice, training, simulations and exercises 
  • 24/7 real-time crisis response 
  • Post crisis review and recovery
  • Organisational resilience and business continuity 

Why Deloitte?

Our expertise in crisis preparedness comes from extensive experience with crisis response, assisting global clients in several industries. All our crisis and resilience leaders have worked in the areas of natural disasters, cybercrimes, finance, forensics, restructuring, and communications.

The Deloitte Center for Crisis Management brings together the full breadth of Deloitte’s global capabilities (strategy, risk, finance, capital, technology, legal, human capital, etc.) into a comprehensive solution set for clients facing major business-threatening events. Our experienced crisis managers, coupled with specialists in operations, technology, finance, and regulatory issues can help organisations resolve issues before they escalate and spiral out of control. We can deploy a forensic investigation within hours of an incident or crisis. If required we can ‘surge resources’ in project management, technology, forensics, risk, finance, operations, and other areas where minutes count. We help organisations take control of the crisis situation, stabilise their organisation, and accelerate and deliver on recovery.

Risk Powers Performance

Today’s business climate is characterised by disruption and volatility. At Deloitte, we help businesses gain a new view of risk—seeing risk management as a vital performance lever, revealing untapped opportunities to create competitive advantage.


Danny Tinga

Danny Tinga


At Deloitte me and my team help clients prepare, respond and recover from crisis and disruptive events. We do this along the pillars of Safety & Security, (Societal) Resilience & Critical infrastructu... More