
Embrace digital transformation with scalable and secure cloud-based network services

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) point of view

The new digital and hyperconnected world is driving organizations towards a new network services delivery model. Software-as-a-Service solutions are in demand, pushing investment in information security. Any digital transformation must have strong connectivity and security foundations. The Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) framework provides a solid roadmap to achieve a successful transformation journey.

SASE uses cloud-based network and security concepts to deliver more simplified, integrated and secure connectivity services.

Main advantages of SASE

The adoption of a SASE framework provides essential technical and functional benefits such as:

  • Enhanced end-to-end network visibility;
  • Improved network performance and reliability;
  • Greater scalability, agility and time-to-market;
  • Cost optimisation.

The journey is not the same for everyone

Depending on typical business drivers and infrastructure landscapes, it is possible to group enterprises into three generic profiles, each one leading to different challenges and starting points – industrial business, multi-channel business and digital driven business.

Deloitte provides a detailed view on approaches for these different business profiles.

Read the full paper here and learn more about SASE.

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