
Deloitte Student Ambassador Rayna Lee

D.cisions magazine - Issue 6

Deloitte Student Ambassador and Summer Intern 2015 and 2016 Rayna Lee shared her second internship experience at Deloitte Singapore.

“While the work was challenging, I was always able to rely on my colleagues for help.”

- Rayna Lee

As a Deloitte Student Ambassador, I was given the opportunity to intern with the world’s largest professional services firm! It was really an eye-opening experience for me to be able to work alongside highly skilled professionals and learn practical knowledge from them. While the work was challenging, I was always able to rely on my colleagues for help.

My first internship was with Audit in 2015 and the second in the Financial Advisory services team, in 2016. I thoroughly enjoyed both internships. During my Financial Advisory internship, I was involved in a regulatory landscape assessment project. Although I had limited Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing knowledge, the guidance I received from my mentor helped to build my knowledge and confidence such that I was able to present the methodology we developed during the project to the entire department. Although it was an intimidating experience, I managed to stay calm with the reassuring nods from my team mates.

Beyond work, I met many friendly seniors and enjoyed hanging out with fellow interns. I joined the Interdepartmental Games Ultimate Frisbee Team Green under the encouragement of a senior, and I am glad that I had the courage to step out of my comfort zone to pick up a new sport and meet new people from other departments!

If you want to know more about my internship experiences or have any questions for me, feel free to contact me at!

Here are my tips for students who are embarking on their internship

Do not be afraid to share your thoughts and ask questions when in doubt! This is the best chance to learn from your mistakes.

#2: Be proactive and make the best out of the internship – take the initiative to talk to people around you and offer your assistance.

D.cisions is our quarterly magazine which provides undergraduates with tips, advice and success stories to help them take their first crucial step in making the right choice for themselves, in terms of choosing their employer - one where they will fit in and aligned to their values, interests and priorities.

Click here to download this issue: D.cisions issue 6.

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