Deloitte among Top 5 Most Attractive Employers in the World
January 2013, Bratislava – The worldwide network of advisory firms Deloitte placed in the top five most attractive employers in the world. The annual ranking is prepared by Universum based on votes from students of economic and engineering courses at leading world universities. First place went to Google.
Around 160,000 student votes determined the fifty most attractive employers across the world in 2011. Deloitte ranked 5th overall in the competition of global companies, keeping last year’s position. The presence of the world’s biggest advisory firms in the top five shows their strong global position and popularity among students. Deloitte outclassed companies like Microsoft, Procter and Gamble, and J.P Morgan. Apple failed to make the global top ten for the first time.
The survey of the advisory company Universum involved 160,000 students of economic and engineering universities from 12 leading global economies (USA, China, Great Britain, Italy, Brazil, Spain, Canada and India). The respondents were asked whom they considered the ideal employer.
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